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Three months have past since the events that transpired that day. Angel has been nothing but a thorn on Alastors side. His life has been filled with endless idiotic pranks by the blonde but Alastor can handle that more than the sexual innuendos they make on a daily basis. He would choke the man to death if it weren't for the fact that they were already dead.

But other than the annoyance taking place at his home, Alastor's work life has been great! The radio station was a wonderful place to be and everyone there was lovely. The first time he went live was such a surreal moment. He spent so many days during his teen years dreaming about the moment he found himself in. Alastor was proud of himself and the work he put into to get to where he was.

"That will be all for news today folks! Next up will be this week's top hits!"

With that said, Alastor pressed a button that will begin to play the list of music that he had compiled. Although the music wasn't to his taste the people of this day and time favored pop music over jazz so the list of top hits were filled with artists of that genre. He took off his headphones and began to clean up his area since his shift was over and another host will take over for the night. Alastor swiftly put on his beige overcoat and left his room.

The brunette still had to stop by the store to pick up some groceries. He had been feeling a little homesick and thought that cooking some gumbo would help with it. He was about to go down the stairs that led to the parking garage when someone spoke.

"Long day wasn't it?" Alastor looked over to see another coworker join him down the stairs to the main parking area.

"Sure was!"

The man was another radio host that worked in another department. Although the other man was older than Alastor, they both hit it off great and they had their passion for their work to thank for that.

Both males continued their descent down the stairs in a small conversation of their work day before finally making it to the parking level.

"Well I'm sure you have a lady at home you don't want to keep waiting! Do be sure to drive home safely!"

Alastor chuckled as he searched for his car keys in the pocket of his coat. The irony that his fellow coworker brought up something Angel began to joke about this week.

The brunette shook his head before responding, "Truth be told I don't have a maiden waiting at home!" I have a ghost there instead . "But thank you and I hope you drive home safely as well!"

He heard the man gasp, "Oh pardon me! I would've assumed such a dapper man like you would've found a beautiful lady!"

Alastor shook his head once more. He was rather good looking for his age and growing up he's had multiple women confess their love for the man but he's never felt anything for them. He had goals he wanted to achieve and love was never something he gave even a second thought to. The only love he ever truly needs is his mother's love. That and there was another fact that only trusted knew about.

"Thank you, but alas I have not! Have a good day Mr. Ford!"

He waved the man off and they both went in different directions. Alastor pressed his keys to unlock his car and quickly got in, closing the door behind him. He inserted the keys and twisted it. The car came to life with a quiet hum.

Alastor leaned back and let out a stressed filled sigh, remembering that he had to call the spirit to let them know about his plans.

What a pain..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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