S1: Episode Seven

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•Brandon Willis•

I know I'm alive.

I can feel my heart racing still. It hasn't stopped yet. Why though?

I slowly open my eyes, barely seeing much around me, until my eyes make clear of my surroundings.

I see below me a huge drop that I slowly look away from. I raise my head, admiring my situation.

I'm tied to a metal chair, rope tied into a tight knot around my legs, hands, and feet. I look around and I finally make clear of where I'm at.

The gym. I barely come in here but I'm familiar with its structures.

I start to yell out to anybody for help but somebody quickly gags me before I could. I couldn't get a good look at who it was behind me, but once they came in front of me, my heart instantly races. They pull me away from the sudden drop and around to face a flat surface.

Zain?! Thank gosh your here!

Zain doesn't say anything at first, but once he notices my relief, he smirks to himself.

"Brandon. Look at yourself. I wonder how you got here. Oh right. I did it," he says, smirking to himself.

I look at him, confused and in shock. I wanted to say something to him but I knew I couldn't.

"You probably wondering why. Or are you lying? But I'm not. I brought you up here because I wanted to prove myself that I'm not some geek or weakling that people can step all over! All my life! Here at this school. We're known as those geeks who get bullied Everyday from anybody! I'm not weak! Or a geek!" He yells out to my face, making me flinch.

"Then, Sadie came into our gang. She was perfect. Brave. Made us feel alive. I loved her. I still do. Then, you," he says, glaring at me.

"You stole her from me! You made her yours! She's mine! She's always been mine! You had no right to take her from me!" He yells and spits in my face.

I move in my seat, hoping it gets his attention. He sighs and takes out the gag.

"Sadie never liked you that way Zain. She saw you as her closest friend," I explain to him.

This is a whole other side of Zain I've never seen. He's different now. Why? What made him this way?

"Your wrong!! She loved me. You never saw it but I did. I was her first pick until you swooped in! You took her from me! Now, I'm taking something from you! Just like you took something from me!" He yells out.

I watch as he makes his way to the other side of the roof of the theatre building. He turns on a bright spotlight from the building and aims it at another person, tied to another metal chair.

I finally make clear who it is in front of me, in the same position as me.

"Mom!" I yell out.

My mom is tied tightly to a chair, she's crying and looking at me with so much fear and panic.

"You bastard! What has happened to you?! Why are you like this?!"

"I've always been this way Brandon. You were just too blind to see it right in front of you. Your mother, saw it before. She was just too stupid to act on it until tonight. Little too late," he tells her, she looks up at him in tears.

"Mom. I'm so sorry," I explain to her.

Zain rolls his eyes. He walks over to her, takes the gag out, and leans closer to her.

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