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"Well that's the last of it"

I've officially moved into my dorm. Dad had just brought up the last of my stuff to my room while mom and I decorated. My roommate isn't currently in the room, but she seems to have moved all her stuff in.

The car ride here wasn't the best experience. With a car filled to the brim with my stuff, a toddler, and a pregnant mother there was a lot of high emotions. We had to constantly stop for my mom to use the bathroom since the baby is pressing on her bladder and also so my sister can let out her energy before throwing a tantrum.

Making it to the dorm was a huge relief after that long car ride, but now it's time to part ways with my family. As happy as I am to not have to be trapped in the car with them any longer, I can't help the sadness that comes with the thought of not seeing them for a while.

"We're gonna miss you sweetheart" mom says as she hugs me, squeezing me a little to tight to the point I feel like I can't properly breathe.

"I'll miss you guys too."

"Don't forget to brush you teeth, study, take your medication, and ma-"

"Dad I know, I wont forget."

"I know, but just in case you know you can call if you need anything." My dad is just rambling at this point, not making this any easier. "Call us whenever, I don't care what time it is or where you are. Just call."

"I will."

"Good." He nods at me whilst pulling me into a hug. He seems to be taking this harder than I am. "You show this school how smart you are."

"You're making this hard." I mumble into his chest.


"You're making it hard to say goodbye."

"You're my baby, my oldest daughter. This is all new to me and I don't want to let you go." He tells me as he squeezes on just a little tighter. I swear I almost see a tear drop from his eye."But I need to let you go off on your own and show the world what you have to offer."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too princess."

"Bye sissy." my baby sister says, hugging my leg.

"Bye Winnie."

"Well we better go before we miss check in time at our hotel. Bye sweetheart." mom says, trying to save me from the never ending goodbyes.

"Bye momma"

"I'm expecting to be informed about your roommate as well as you reuniting with those Fantilli brothers." Dad instructs me.

"Got it." I confirm trying to ease his worries while also trying to keep myself from panicking. "Now go before I freak out."

"We're going, we're going. Love you." He says, leaving a kiss on top of my head, before ultimately closing the door and enduring the journey back towards Long Island.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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