-PART 2-

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Miranda finds the way into the new class. She blushes when she sees the new school boy, Michael. She did not know that he goes in the same class as her now. "Hello everyone, can I get your attention here or? Hello and welcome everyone, I am the new teacher, we'll get it fine in three years, huh?" Teacher says with a fake smile. "So let us begin! Today we have about ..." Miranda looks just at Michael. He turns again and she still looks at him with big eyes. He gives her a smile. Miranda's heart beats fast then. "Miranda, what is the answer?" teacher asks with raised eyebrow. "No ... I" Miranda gets interrupted. "No you did not listened, no. Then you can begin to stop being in your own world!" Says teacher sour. It's break time and Miranda and I sits on a bench and eat. "I see the you that you really like the new .." - "Michael." I say while I look at Christina. "But look at him, all the girls likes him and he is handsome. There are certainly other girls he likes than me." I say sad. "Let's go again." Says Christina while we enter. In it I almost enters the entrance, I stumble suddenly on Michael. "I'm sorry so , let me help you up." Michael says and reaches out towards me. I extend my out and he takes me up gently. Christina looks at me with a "you like him" - eyes. "Uhm.thanks, b- bye." "No problem, have a nice day!" Michael says with a beautiful smile and enters class. I sights about that he is so beautiful. I admitted it then.

The High School BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora