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The hatch on a manta shaped ship opened and a woman woth leaves covering her crawled in and grinned "Finally, you know...this is actually a really nice place. But I prefer above water area's." She then stepped into the shadows of the ship and waited and she went over her plan while waiting and grinned as she licked her lips "Funny, who would have thought I would be the only person to see who the mysterious Black Manta is under that helmet~" soon enough she heard the hatch open and she grinned...

Black Manta groaned as he limped into his ship and basically threw himself into his chair and leaned back into it as his blood dripped out of gunshot wound in his left rip area "Dammit, fucking Lawton! ALWAYS HAVE TO GET IN ON MY BOUNTY DON'T YOU BITCH?!" he then leaned to the side and opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of tweezers and hissed as he pulled the bullet out "Fucking bastard." He then took off his helmet and took a deep breath and immediately vines wrapped around him "What?!" And then he was strung up and hung upside down and he struggled but couldn't do much so he waited and soon enough he saw a pair of sexy feminine legs walk out of the shadows and he gulped as a certain are of his suit gained a noticeable "dent" and he looked up or is it down? At a beautiful woman in a dress of leaves and she grinned at him "Look at my catch of the day...I caught an elusive Manta!" Y/N growled at her but she leaned down and locked lips with him and injected her pheromones into him and Y/N's eyes glazed over and she giggled and gently sat him down on the floor and took off his armor and admired his physique "My, You can the likes of Superman a run for his money!" She trailed a finger down his toned body created from years and years of swimming and fighting while swimming and she grinned at him and he groaned as his eyes glowed green and he grit his teeth " you want Isley?!" She quickly got in his face as a maniacal smile grew on her face "Oh? You know my name? How...curious." Y/N coughed up blood as his wound was healing from her toxins running through his body "Of course I know you...I was your biggest fan...Dr. Pamela." Her eyes widened "You...who were you?" He grinned blood staining his teeth "Y/N Darkwater, Ma-am." Her eyes widened again "Y/N?! My precious all star student that went missing?! What happened to you?!" Y/N coughed up blood again her toxins forcing his old blood out "Blame my idiot father, Seras Darkwater, he wanted to hunt the famous "Aquaman" honestly I didn't care for anything he did...until "King" Arthur killed him and I tried to get my revenge but at this point...why should I even care about that Aqua Fool?" She placed a hand on his cheek "Then don't and let me become your queen." Y/N closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he opened them and smiled the blood all gone "Sure...Ma-am." She slapped his arm and he chuckled and Pamela felt her cheeks burn she missed her student.

In a small gulf near Gotham, in a deep sea ship two people find what they were missing...

To be continued!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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