Inktober 2020

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So, hello there to anyone who is reading this book. This is going to be a fresh start for me to do the Inktober art, except I'm going to do it on November after I finish my O Level exam which is on the 27th of October. 

Before I could start, I wanted to explain the reason why I can't do the Inktober in October. Every year, I usually have my final exams usually in October and also November. I find that it's a hard time for me to do it during the school exam when it is time for me to do my revision for the exam. I was curious about how other young artists were able to manage to do the Inktober, and that is when I realised that in different countries started school in a different month. Countries in South-east Asia, if I'm not mistaken, usually start school in January, after New Year, while most other countries start in September.

With that being said, here is the official Inktober prompt 2020.

With that being said, here is the official Inktober prompt 2020

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I'm possibly going to do a fanart when doing this. If not, then it's just going to be original art that I'm going to experiment.

I really wanted to try this to help improve my art skills on using pens and markers since I'm an art student decided to pick Art and Design subject since Year 9 and 10 and I'm going to continue my Art subject for next year and next two years. I needed to improve my skills in cross-hatching, shading and stippling. 

I think that's all for talking. I hope I promise myself to do this in November and I hope I am able to get at least 6 'O' in the O Level exam for next year.

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