Mini rant~ o.o

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RANTING IN 3...2...1

Okay,  why does it matter what sexuality you are?  At my school,   I may have gotten called lesbian multiple times just because I had a hold of one of my friends hands. The people who had implied that I was, said it as of it was offensive. It isn't. I may not be one, but I still think it's fucked up that people are make accusations that they don't know is true. From the same reason of having there sexuality shouted at them, two of my friends broke up because of the pressure and other things those people where saying.

It's the same with what type of person you are or what 'group' you're in. I used to always used to be called a hipster,which I don't care of you call me it, someone's even gone to the lengths of calling my a tumblr geek, which I took as a compliment. But, now since I dyed my hair black, supposedly I'm emo? I'm not. From the logic that the tiny mided people who are calling me that,  if I had rainbow hair. I'd be a fucking, unicorn! I don't think it's right to just out right call people something that they think is true,because, if it's not,  it cpyld effect them. Especially if it's something that the person doesn't wanna be called.

I'm not saying that being called 'emo'  or 'lesbian' is mean or effendsive but if the person being called that is taking it as if it was. It would be a form of bullying.

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