𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 | 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕

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A/N: The picture above is her outfit :) I hope you enjoy!

It was already Amorette's first day of school. She had just moved into New Jersey like a week ago, maybe even less. Her room looked okay, but there were still boxes that she needed to unpack. Her parents let her paint the walls a dark Grey though, so she was happy about that. Amorette shook her thoughts aside and stood up out of bed, looking over at her new closet. She bit her lip gently as she thought of an outfit, soon figuring it out and grabbing out whatever she needed. After getting dressed, which took forever because of the fishnets, Amorette did the usual bathroom things. She grabbed her eyeliner and mascara, doing a winged liner a bit thicker than other girls and applying mascara. Now, She didn't think she was ugly. She thought she looked average? If that makes sense..

After getting ready for school she grabber her black backpack and walked downstairs and to the kitchen. Her mother was sitting at the table with her father, her dad doing taxes and her mom on her phone. Amorette said a small "Morning" before grabbing herself a water bottle and walking out of the house. She had a car that she could take, but she also wanted to enjoy the cooler air. It's not too late in the school year, but it was fall. Mid October it always got a bit chillier. Especially in Jersey. As she walked she looked over and saw a group of four guys with their bags. She didn't pay much attention to them but had a strange gut feeling kick in. Yeah, staying away from them.

After about a 10 minute walk Amorette saw the school, walking up the few steps before going into the large building. She looked around a bit before pulling out the crumpled yellow piece of paper and looking down at it. Locker 317 it read, making her sigh a bit since the lockers she saw right now were in the double digits. She continued to walk through the halls, seeing the numbers go up and occasionally taking turns into different halls. Once she got to the 300 lockers she happily walked up to hers, messing with the lock for a good while before finally being able to get it open. She shoved a couple of her textbooks in the locker and shut it again, looking at the time. She had 10 minutes till her first class. She didn't know her way around yet, so it'd probably be smart to walk to it early anyways.

Before Amorette could even move a step away from her locker she saw the group of boys walk into the hall way, making a few people leave from fear but some did in fact stay. She raised an eyebrow and sighed, yep.. they were coming toward her. She tightened her grip on her backpack sleeve slightly and looked up at the four guys, three of them quite a bit taller than her and one of them.

"I'm assuming you're the new girl, I've heard lots about you already" said the guy with decently long raven hair. She made eye contact with him and nodded, now a bit shy.

"Uhm.. yeah- what have you heard what-" she said, getting cut off by the raven haired boy placing both his hands on the locker behind her, a hand on either side of her head. Her eyes widened a bit as she felt her heart beat quicken, if this guy hadn't scared off half the hallway she probably wouldn't be this scared. But she still wasn't terrified.

"New girl, got bullied at her old school, dressed just like the punks.. do you wanna explain that to me?" The raven haired boy hummed, moving one of his hands and tucking a strand of Amorette's hair behind her ear. She couldn't help but blush a bit at the action. She looked behind him slightly to see that everyone was in class except for the five of them. When had the bell rang? She took in the other guys features. The shorter one had blonde sides and black hair at the top, one had a crazy fro and the other had a beanie on and glasses. "I ain't got all day sugar, so do you care to explain?" He said, a bit more sternly now.

Amorette blinked out of her slight trance and looked back up at the raven haired boy. "I came from California. Bullies and popular kids dress different there. The punks were the ones who were made fun of" she said sheepishly.

"Hmm.. it's a good thing I've taken an interest in you. You're lucky you're not stuck in a closet by now" he said, pulling away and running a hand through his hair. "I'll see you at your next class sugar" he cooed before walking off. Amorette wanted to ask how he knew her next class, but they had already walked away. She tried to get the guys out of her head, but for some reason. She couldn't.

Eventually Amorette was able to make it to her first class, 10 minutes late of course. "I'm sorry I- Uhm- I got lost" she said nervously to her teacher. He shook his head a bit, handing her the worksheet.

"You got stopped by Gerard and his friends didn't you.." he said, making her look up at him and stopping in her tracks. "Your seat is over there by Mikey, Mikey raise your hand please and don't groan about it" her teacher said. She looked over and noticed the hand that was raised, it was the kid with the beanie and glasses. She nodded to herself and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and setting her bag down.

"Random question... are you single, Amorette?" Mikey asked suddenly, making her look over at him with confusion. She's only ever had one boyfriend.

"Yeah.. I am. Why?" She asked softly, genuinely curious as to why he wanted to know.

"It's easier that way. Well, at least it is for him." Mikey responded, only confusing her even more. The teacher cut the conversation short when he said it was note taking time. She took out her history notebook and started to jot down notes as he lectured the whole class.

As soon as the bell rang she hopped up out of her seat, her and Mikey hadn't gotten the chance to speak to each other the rest of the class. She tossed her backpack over her shoulder and started to walk to her next class, feeling the gut feeling come right back when she remembered what Gerard had said. How did he know we had the class together?

Amorette walked into the classroom, instantly spotting the raven haired boy with his feet kicked up on his side of the two person desk. As soon as she looked over at him he looked right back, causing them to make eye contact which quickly made her look away. The next time she looked up, Gerard was already half way to her. He walked up to her and placed a hand on the small of her back, gently leading her to the spot that was next to his chair.

"I could've walked myself yknow.." she said as she sat down, pulling out her sketchbook since it was art class.

"Yeah? And how many boys do you think would have a phone under your skirt if I didn't walk you by that group?" He hummed, sitting down as well. She bit her lip gently and shyly fixed her skirt a bit, avoiding eye contact.

"Thank you then.." she said softly, looking up at him again, her blue eyes meeting his hazel ones. She felt the same gut feeling start in her stomach. It was a mix of butterflies and something else that she couldn't explain.

"Now let me see your schedule" he said, holding out his hand to her. She nodded and pulled out the crumpled yellow paper, placing it in his hand.

"My mom got mad at me last night and crumpled it.. ignore that" she explained, watching him closely. Gerard skimmed over it and simply just ripped it into pieces, making her whine a bit. "Hey! I don't know my classes yet" she whined, looking up at him with a small pout.

"Good thing I do, now you have no choice but to let me take you to them do ya?" He said, a slight smirk appearing on his face. She sighed and blushed lightly at the smirk, looking down at her pencil and book.

"Okay.. fine" she said, not being able to hold back the small smile on her lips. "Why're you being nicer to me, everyone seems scared of you" She asked curiously, she could feel him staring at her

"Well.. let's just say that I'll protect a fellow punk. Especially one as beautiful as you."

Word Count: 1500

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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