!bonus chapter!

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(2 years later, they talk as 'friends', but generally stay out of each other's way)

the girl walked down the street, her heels clicking slightly as she made her way to the cafe where someone was waiting for her. she walked with an air of confidence which contradicted the inner turmoil she felt. when she arrived at the cafe she simply smiled at the waitresses and waiters, eyes darting around the tables until she spotted the spiky hair that she had sincerely missed seeing.

she slowly made her way toward the table for two, watching as the mans head lifted at the sound of her heels. he smiled softly and stood up, pulling her chair out for her. she smiled at him and took her seat, gently moving the chair forward.

"hey kat," the girl said softly, looking at the face of the man her heart still fluttered for. he grinned, leaning forward and handing her the menu that was in the center of the table.

"god ive missed you," he said, hiding his face in the menu.

"c''mon kat, i know you well enough to know your blushing right now," the girl said while giggling softly. "you don't have to hide it from me." she gently reached forward and tugged at the menu, making katsuki show his face.

"what did you want to talk about," she asked, glancing over the menu. he cleared his throat and set his menu down, looking her right in the eyes.

"look, i want to apologize," he said. "i treated you like shit in our relationship and you didn't deserve any of it. there's no excuse for it, and i won't try to come up with one. i just was wanting to let you know that i've changed. i got a job as a lead detective in the MPD. i went and worked on my anger issues and uh, well i miss you. you made me so happy and not having you around made me realize how much you mean to me." he stopped for a second and took a deep breath, looking into the girls eyes with a sincere expression. "i don't expect you to take me back, especially with how things ended in college. but i want to at least be able to call you a close friend."

the girl looked at him with kind eyes before giggling slightly. katsuki's eyebrows furrowed as he watched her cover her mouth her hand.

"katsuki, i don't need convincing. i can tell the difference." the boy let out a sigh of relief as the words left her mouth and he gave her a wide grin.

"does that mean you're giving us another shot," he asked, his feet tapping the floor rapidly in excitement. the girl giggled again and set down her menu, throwing her rolled up straw paper at his forehead.

"yes you dork," she laughed loudly. katsuki laughed, taking a long drink from his coffee. the two sat and talked, catching up and enjoying their lunch. eventually, she had to return to work, but katsuki insisted on walking her home, holding her hand tightly. he wasn't letting her go this time, and she knew that.

the end!!! i hope you guys enjoyed it! while it's super short, i actually had the most fun writing this compared to some of my other things! i wasnt planning on posting this, but i wanted to thank you guys for reading and enjoying the story! if you guys want something else let me know!

feelings are fatal〖 k. bakugou 〗Where stories live. Discover now