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Hi, so I just fancied doing an award book to celebrate all the brilliant WWE fanfiction authors! I've been meaning to do this for a while and I thought why not start it today! The category's for the awards will range from best brollins ship book to best at writing sad scenes etc!

~Please don't vote for yourself!

~Per category you can cast two votes!
You can vote for two separate people but please don't vote more than twice! If you do I will only count the first two!

~You don't have to vote on every category
If you haven't read any books or don't know anyone who fits in the category don't feel like you have to vote. Don't feel like you have to comment on every one, but if you do know someone for every one go ahead :)

~Please don't hate on anyone's opinions
This is all just a little bit of fun and we all probably aren't going to agree on the same person for each category! Just remember at the end of the day it's just a little bit of fun to celebrate the authors of Wattpad.

~Please share this with all your friends!
This isn't actually a rule, I'm just kidding. But seriously if you could it would be wonderful, I want to recognise the authors of Wattpad with the people who read their books!

||Voting example||
~Best Brollins book
@........... @...........

||Final words||
Good luck to everyone and let the voting begin!

Giraffe502 WWE Wattpad awards [CLOSED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin