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"Madam... He's going to need to stay in the hospital for a while." Small hands grabbed the sheets, hearing the conversation outside his door. He didn't like this place. It smelled strange, it was all white, and the rooms hardly had anything besides a bed and a table.

"He's just a child, can't we take him home?"

"His condition is unpredictable. We can't have him with you."


"I'm really sorry Madam, but it's for the best."

"Can I at least visit him?"

"Of course." Coming over, he looked up with worry.

"Mommy? Where are you going?"

"Home, Jason. You need to stay here for a bit, alright?"


"You have something bad in you, and mommy and daddy can't help you. But the nice nurses and doctors can, will you be a good little boy?" Jason sniffled, little hands fumbling with the blankets.

"I don't like this place..."

"I know sweetie, I know." A kiss on the forehead and cheek, Jason watched as his mother set down a few books and toys for him. "Daddy and mommy will try to visit you time to time, okay?"


"You'll be okay, Jason." Kiss on the forehead, more talking, and door closes. Jason slid back into bed, looking out the window.

City lights that never went out...

"Yeah?" Jason sat up in bed, wincing. A nurse came in, holding a clipboard.

"How do you feel?"

"Um... Alright, I guess."

"We were worried that you were getting lonely, so we have a friend for you. Sky!" Jason looked to the doorway, seeing a curly brunet bouncing down the hallway.

"Hi Jay-son!"

"I-It's Jason." Coming in, Sky plopped down in the chair next to Jason's bed.

"Sky will keep you company, ask him anything." Leaving after a brief checkup, the door closed. Jason lied down, fiddling with the pillow.

"So! What is your favorite color?"


"Mine is yellow! What do you like to do?" Sky sat on the edge of Jason's bed, startling Jason a little.

"R-Reading and studying science." Picking up the books Jason's mother left, Sky frowned.

"Stars?" Jason quickly grabbed the book, holding it to his chest.

"I like studying astronomy!"

"Well, you ain't gonna be studying hat here!"

"H-Huh?" Sky huffed, jabbing his finger at the window.

"You can't see any stars in the city, it sucks. The lights are so bright, and with all this dirty air you can't see the stars. Gotta get to the country." Jason set the book down.

"The... country?" Digging through the books on the shelves, Jason watched as Sky made a mess on the floor. Books strewn everywhere.

"It's a place that has the freshest air you can breathe! Animals running around, trees and grass, flowers... And a great view of the night sky!" Jason widened his eyes at Sky's description, Sky bouncing back holding a book. A book on the country side.

"Plains, forests..."

"Yep! Super peaceful and great!"
"Hey, Jason?"

"Yeah?" Setting his pencil down, Sky turned in his chair.

Stars- SkyMUWhere stories live. Discover now