The after-party

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this chapter contains mature themes!


The next morning I woke up to yet another loud noise, only this time it wasn't a thud but a scream. I immediately ran down the stairs. once I reached the common room I was greeted by Ron and Hermione standing in the common room both in towels. I froze. I had no idea how to react. the group of boys froze on the stairs as well. Harry was the first one to burst out laughing. As the room erupted in laughter I couldn't help but let out a giggle. I even saw Hermione laugh a little despite her red face from embarrassment. Ron however was not having it. "Which one of you assholes did this ?!" which made us all laugh harder. at this point, Hermione was laughing just as hard as the rest of us. she was looking directly at the Weasly twins.

Huge surprise.

Ron was fuming. "Are you guys serious? I'm tired of your shit. I've been dealing with this my entire life but today. THIS is over the line." The laughter stopped. We could all tell how upset he was. 

That's when it became obvious what had happened. Fred and George saw that Ron and Hermione were showering at the same time and took their clothes. that way they both had to come out of the bathroom with only towels on. ill admit it's a little funny, but a bit immature. although by the looks on their faces I don't think they expected Ron to get so pissed. I assume they couldn't tell that Ron liked Hermione so this would be extremely embarrassing for him. on the other hand, I don't think Ron can tell that Hermione seems to be enjoying this. They're both weird. a perfect match. Right on queue, Ginny ran down the stairs from the girls' dorm with a pair of Hermione's clothes and handed it to her. "Oh my god you're a lifesaver," said Hermione. She turned around and went back into the bathroom to change. "So none of you are going to bring me my clothes? fine." Said Ron and he began to walk back up to the boy's dorm. I looked at Fred and George. They were back to laughing. typical. I turned around to go back to the dorm and get dressed for the day.

I couldn't pay attention to any of my classes. in my defense, history of magic is one of the most boring classes I take. my mind was focused on the upcoming game later today. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Draco sitting next to me. "what are you daydreaming about JJ?" his voice made me jump.

Draco has been calling me "JJ" since we were kids. He's the only one who says it so I knew instantly it was him.

"Just thinking about the quidditch game tonight."

" haha me too. cant wait to see Potter get his ass kicked."

I glared at him. "don't say that.

"What. oh my god don't tell me you have the hots for Potter."

I pushed his head while laughing. I wasn't sure if I wanted Draco to know yet how I felt about Harry. I had no idea how he would react. Draco had a habit of being overdramatic.

"Okay okay, I get it I won't talk about him in front of you. I'm excited about the game too. I'm rooting for Ravenclaw. but of course, you knew that."

I did. He'd never go for Gryffindor. his pride is out of this world. just as I was about to respond Professor Binns walked over to silence us. I was lost in thought for the rest of the day.

The crowd was enormous tonight. the entire stadium was packed with students, teachers, and parents. I stood by Ron and Hermione. I was in between the two to try to keep it from being awkward. Ron was still in a bad mood. just then the Gryffindor team flew out in formation and our side erupted with noise. Oliver flew out first, followed by the rest of the team. ill admit I wasn't paying attention to the other boys. Harry flew out and I was in awe. He looked amazing. his hair was flapping in the wind, revealing his scar on his forehead. as I was staring, he turned and began to scan the crowd. once he spotted me, he winked. 

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