Buraiha Love Pack AU Pregnancy Headcanons

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-Who. Is. The. Father?!!!!

-Like legit no one knows. Danielle has one on one sex with each of them, and sometimes they just forget a condom.

-But it lowkey doesn't matter. Like whoever the baby looks the most like is the father.
But that aside they are all excited for the baby's arrival

-Overprotective husbandos much? Like Danielle isn't allowed to do anything on her own anymore, for fear that she might hurt herself or the baby.

-It's sweet but a little suffocating

-Danielle now sleeps in between Oda and Dazai, just in case anyone invades their home they'll have to get through the three of them before they get to Danielle.

-Oda will legit carry her wherever she needs to go.

-Need to go to the bathroom? Carries her. The kitchen? He'll carry her there too. The store? He will legit carry through the store no place is off-limits.

-"Where are you going, Danielle?" "To the library" "..." "Oda? Oda, I can walk myself. Oda!"

-Ango is in charge of keeping track of Danielle's doctor appointments and monitoring what she eats.

-"You need to eat more protein Danielle it will help with the baby" "I know Ango"
Dazai is in charge of keeping up with her cravings, during the pregnancy. He whines and complains, but he does get her whatever she needs.

-"Osamu! I want pickles and ice cream!" "Ugh, okay, fine" "...." "Can I have some?" "No, these are my pickles"

-Normally one of them will accompany Danielle to her doctor's appointments if one can't go then one of the others will. God forbid if they all can't go, then Danielle just doesn't go to the appointment at all, the appointment comes to her.

-The doctors have noticed how Danielle comes in with a different male each time, but they don't say anything.

-When Danielle's belly starts growing it is almost impossible to tear any of them away from her baby bump. Ango even made a schedule for who gets to cuddle with Danielle's stomach.
"It's my turn to cuddle with Danielle-chan's stomach Ango!" "Your turn ended thirty seconds ago!"

-All three males love talking to the baby, sometimes they'll talk about random shit, but other times they just talk about how great their mom is gonna be and how they're gonna grow up protected and surrounded by love.

-"You're gonna have the most perfect mom, she's kind, she's beautiful, and she makes the best crab dishes in the world" "Osamu, can we have crab for dinner?" "Of course love"

-When the baby kicks for the first time everyone loses their shit! Like it was Dazai's turn to cuddle with Danielle's stomach, and he's just humming to the baby while Danielle reads, and suddenly they both gasp and look at each other.

-"The baby just-" "Yeah". Cue excited screaming
Ango and Oda rush into the room ready to fight someone. "What is it?" "What's happening?" "THE BABY JUST KICKED!"

-The four spend the rest of the afternoon feeling Danielle's stomach and waiting for the baby to kick again. It does.

-The Agency gets together and throws Danielle a gender revealing party, even some of her friends from the Mafia attended, Nina dragged Chuuya along with her, and they didn't stay for long.

-The baby is a girl, they haven't decided on a name yet.
-Nursery building is up to Oda and Ango since Dazai can't be trusted with a hammer or any other building tool.

-It turns out really pretty, and Danielle is very happy with the end result.

-And late at night when they're laying in bed together Dazai, Oda, and Ango love to kiss and worship Danielle's stomach. Danielle finds it really sweet, and cute but she doesn't quite enjoy it when she's trying to sleep.

-"Guys the bump will be there tomorrow" "Shhhh, Danielle-chan let us have this moment with our child"

-Breakfast in bed becomes a regular thing. Ango or Oda, since Dazai can't be bothered to get up early, make breakfast for the four of them, while the other two stay in bed and cuddle with Danielle to keep her warm.

-Basically it's a time of love, warmth, and happiness in the household.

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