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Janus turned over in bed and stretched. He'd had the most wonderful nap though that wasn't surprising considering the rather pleasant dreams he'd been having the past few weeks. This dream was no exception...

hearing a bit of movement nearby, Janus drowsily peeked up from his pillow to the nightstand. There his eyes met with a shrunken Roman staring right back. Janus smirked at the sight.

"Well, hello love," the snake practically purred, "what's a cute snack like you doing in my den?"

Roman's face pinched into an adorably confused frown. "I came to ask for one of you famous massages. I know you're rather adept at loosening tiny knots and I've got quite a few."

"Well, I suppose it could be considered a talent of mine," Janus drawled, reaching out a hand to pluck up the smaller side. "And there is a new 'technique' I've been wanting to try too."

Roman squirmed in his grip, trying to make himself more comfortable as Janus held him above his head. "A new technique you say?"

"Yes, it's a type of full body massage. If you're interested I could test it out on you."

"That sounds scrumptious, Janaconda! I'd love to try it," Roman clapped.

"Wonderful! Let's get started."

Janus released Roman, allowing him to drop into his mouth. He hummed at the flavor of his struggling prey, taking the time to lick him thoroughly before swallowing. Janus relaxed back into his pillows, the dream fading out with the feeling of Roman still squirming in his stomach.

Janus let out a content sigh. It had been so very vivid, he could still feel dream Roman's weight in his stomach, but sadly, dreams do eventually have to end. Janus sat up, stretching once more before getting out of bed. With a snap, he had his hat and gloves back on, his shirt completely unwrinkled. With a bit of swagger in his step, Janus left to go see what antics the others were getting into.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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