8. Dr. Irwin.

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-"Lia, you have therapy in an hour. Get up!" My mum knocks softly but shouts from the other side.

I groan rolling over and falling out of my bed. A loud thud is made and my mum bursts into the room looking at me.

-"Are you okay?" She asks.

-"Yeah, mum because falling off your bed at early hours in the morning really makes you okay." I groan getting up.

-"Well it woke you up.." She chuckles walking off.

I throw on some clothes and do my hair, i grab my phone and sit at the bottom of the stairs waiting for my mum as usual.

-"Mum, I'm ready." I mumble.

She comes out from the kitchen eyeing me and handing me a cup of coffee.

-"C'mon, Lia." She sighs. -"Its therapy, you want to heal what has broken you and if you go dressed like that, then the therapist will think you take drugs or gave up your baby for adoption." She says. My mum can be pretty judge mental when it comes to appearance but deep down I know she doesn't mean to judge them, its how my grandparents brought her up.

-"Well mum, maybe if he wont be as judge mental like you are over appearances." I say climbing back up the stairs.

I grab a pair of lighter jeans and My favourite jumper, curling my hair while taking sips of my coffee. I grab my slip-ons and walk down stairs, putting my glass in the kitchen and grabbing something to eat while I wait for mum.

-"Lia, ready to go?" I hear her high hills click on the ceramic tiles of the floor.
I walk out grabbing my coat and bag.

-"Ready." I say looking at my mum.

-"You look lovely." She smiles.

-"Didn't I look lovely before?" I ask.

-"You looked homeless." She speaks her mind.

I shake my head getting in the car, mum has decided that she will drive.

I don't really believe that I need therapy but mum wants me to go, so I do it for her. I don't think about it much, I would think of how I would be judge or what the therapist would think of me but I don't care, but mum seems to so I better make good impressions for her sake.

She stops the car in front of a big building and looks at me.
-"I'll be here in an hour to pick you up." She says.

-"What? You aren't coming?" I ask.

She shakes her head. -"No, I don't need to be there." She says. -"You'll be okay." She squeezes my hand and I hope shes right.

I get out of the car, walking towards the building feels like forever, The place feels warm and welcoming but empty. I walk over to ask on what floor Dr. Irwin is and I'm giving the floor, number 5. The receptionist seemed nice, nosy but nice.

I knock on his door and wait. About a minute of waiting and almost turning around, the door swings open and I feel as if the time had stopped. Dr. Irwin is young, his eye dart at me softly, the mixture of hazel brown and green make my stomach flutter and his welcoming white smile with his awfully cute messy hair.

-"You must be Amelia." He says. -"Come in." He moves to the side for me to pass and I do, walking in I hear the door close behind me. -"Sit down, make yourself comfortable." He smiles sitting down in a red comfy looking armchair. -"Can I get you a drink? Tea, coffee, juice? Water?" He says.

-"No thanks." I mumble.

-"Okay then, so Amelia we will.."

-"Lia." I cut him off. -"Call me Lia." I mumble.

-"Okay." He says thinking. -"Call me Ashton." He smiles.

My heart flutters and I feel myself smile. -"okay." I look at him.

-"We can start with basic questions and at the end you can tell me your feeling and why you are here and opinions." I listen to him and agree.

-"I'm only here because my mum wants me to come." I say.

He nods. -"I understand, have you ever spoken to anyone, like a physiologist or anything like?" He asks.

-"No, first time." I reply.

-"Okay." He pauses. -"Lia, you are here to heal something from the past, am I wrong?" He meets my gaze and I look at my hands.

-"To heal, yes." I say.

-"Would you like to talk about it?" He asks. I shake my head, i'm not ready to talk to a complete stranger about why I'm here.

-"Well Lia, I cant help you if you don't want to speak about it." He says.

-"I don't want to talk about it." I pause thinking of Jane. -"Yet." I look at him and he has a smile on his face that makes me want to smile so I do.

-"Maybe we should get to know each other before you tell me about why you want to heal from your past."

I agree, its not something you do, as I know because you don't have 'friendships' with your therapist but he is a total stranger and I don't want to blurt out my past for him to look at me and judge me.

-"Well Lia, I have this book." He pulls out a book from a draw. A leather black one. -"This book will be all about you, about how you are feeling, what you like, whats new." He smiles and pulls out another book. -"And this book, is the book you will write in."

If I was in a mood where I didn't care what this extremely handsome guy with an Australian accent and a mixture of American and Irish then I would probably snort at the idea of him trying to get me to write in some sort of diary.

-"Right.." I say shifting to one side in the chair.

-"Don't you think its a good idea?" He smiles.

-"Errr.." I look at him, his eyes full of sympathy and I just give in. -"Yeah."
His smile widens and he claps his hands together looking at the time.

-"My next patient should be here soon." He says. Oh yeah, the thing I forgot about.

-"Ah... I better get going." I say. -"My mum is probably waiting for me any way." I look at him and my phone starts vibrating.

-"Well, it was nice meeting you, Lia. I hope you come regular here." He says and I feel that deep down I'm squealing.

-"Yeah." I smile nodding and walk down out.

I reach the car and sigh getting in. Mum stares at me impatiently and I start to feel uncomfortable by her stare.

-"Well? How did it go?" She blurts out.

-"Fine." I mumble.

-"Well good, you have an appointment with Dr. Irwin next week too." She says and my stomach flutters.

I feel like my old self.

My therapist. ~irwin~Where stories live. Discover now