Chapter 45: Three's A Crowd

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They say three's a crowd- how that unwelcoming feeling will always linger no matter how hard you try to brush it aside. Today, that feeling was more prevalent than ever. Every step he took, Tubbo felt two pairs of eyes eerily watching his every move. He was in complete disbelief that he had made it this far. Neither Schlatt nor Quackity seemed to notice- or maybe they had. Either way, they didn't seem to be doing a thing about it. A childlike glee filled the brunette as he stepped on the stage. He really was the world's best spy.

Tubbo approached the podium and adjusted the base of the microphone to meet his height. He briefly cleared his throat, fumbling with notecards that contained his speech etched in sloppy handwriting. Everything seemed relatively normal, but something didn't sit right with him. The air had shifted- he was being watched.

"Good afternoon everyone!" he quavered, sweat dribbling off his forehead. To the best of his ability, he maintained his facade, desperately avoiding eye contact with Schlatt. "Welcome to the first annual Manberg Festival of Democracy! Founded by none other than our glorious president, JSchlatt!" The audience broke out into brief applause in response. So far so good.

Wilbur and Tommy, who had made their way to the top of a nearby building, peered at the scene below, preparing to make their move. Wilbur rolled his eyes in disgust as he placed his elbows on the ledge of the building.

Tubbo gulped, anxiously waiting for the applause to die down. "Thank you," he coughed. "Uhm...a wise man once told me that Manberg is like...lettuce." The crowd then fell silent, struggling to follow his strange simile. "Our country has so many wonderful layers! Once you wash away all the dirty bugs and worms off the surface, you truly have something great!" The crowd clapped in response, but Tubbo could hardly pay attention, the sound being drowned out by the thumping of his heart. He was too fixated on Tommy and Wilbur who stood atop a nearby building, staring him dead in the eyes. Tommy nodded his head in encouragement and gave him a thumbs up. Feeling relief, Tubbo averted his eyes back to the audience. Unbeknownst to him, Schlatt had also followed his gaze.

"Schlatt," he gulped, extending a trembling arm towards his leader, "has successfully removed all the insects from our glorious nation- if you know what I mean," he awkwardly jeered, earning a dry chuckle from the audience. "Now, all of the greatness can finally shine through!" Though he constantly reminded himself to keep taking deep breaths, nothing helped. The pressure was too high.

Since the start of his speech, Schlatt had been meticulously watching Tubbo's every move like a hawk. He raised an eyebrow as he closely observed the boy. His trembling knees, distressed stance, and quick repeated glances at a nearby building told him everything he needed to know. Tubbo caught a glimpse of Schlatt studying him and played it off horribly, darting his eyes every which way. He adjusted his posture and clasped the notecards tightly in his hands. It'll all be over soon. Literally.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to look around at what we have built today. All of this is because of the democracy and leadership of JSchlatt!"

The crowd roared with applause again with Fundy leading a standing ovation. Slowly but surely, Tubbo was beginning to calm down, a small smile appearing at the corners of his lips. He had clearly fooled the others, surely his superiors believed him too. He glanced at Schlatt who was waving down to his citizens, absorbing all of the praise and worship like a sponge. Tubbo held onto his forced smile for just a little while longer.

"Thank you!" he spoke in an effort to relax the crowd. "Isn't this what this festival is about? Democracy! Our country has been beaten down by royals and dictators for so long, and now we are finally free." They were anything but free, and he knew it deep down. Manberg was all show. A lavish, exuberant country to those who looked from the outside, a cruel tyrannical dictatorship buried underneath.

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