Flesh for Orphans

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Orphans have been disappearing around here lately and their bodies are never found. You would think news like this would cause quite a stir in this town but when I think about it, orphans are the perfect victims.

They have no family.

No one to claim them as their own.

They've been abandoned.

Therefore, it's the perfect crime.

My partner and I have made it our mission to personally look into this case and uncover the truth behind these strange disappearances. Our first stop: the orphanage.


Kenneth and I pull up to the front of the seemingly quaint orphanage and quickly turn off the ignition. I grab my hat from the dashboard and open the car door.

"You got the name of the person who runs this place?" I ask Kenneth as I close the car door behind me.

"Zara Lancaster." He pauses as if to await my permission to continue. I nod.

"I heard she suffers from an eating disorder."

"What does that have to do with the case?" I glance at him as I motion for us to hurry inside.

"Not sure Hank but it does make for an interesting backstory, don't you think?" He smiles cheekily as he trails behind me.

We open the door and immediately ask for Zara. As we wait for a couple of minutes, I notice some of the orphans being gathered and led to a secluded area.

"Hello there officers, how can I help you?" Zara waves to us with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hello there Ms. Lancaster. I'm Hank and this is my partner, Kenneth. We are here concerning the disappearances." She immediately answers.

"It's just awful isn't it? These families dumping their children here only for them to go missing."

I try to ask another question but a bell sounds and catches her attention.

"Oh would you look at that, it's time for dinner. Please, will you join me for a meal?" She ushers for us to follow her to her quarters.

"Thanks ma'am but I really-"

"Oh come on Hank, let's humor the nice lady. She did ask nicely." Kenneth pleas with me as he looks to Zara. Having no say so in the matter, I decide to join them.


"My, I am famished!" Zara declares as her stomach rumbles. A silver tray sets in front of her, exuding an ominous aroma.

"Did you know I have an eating disorder Hank?" She gleams at me.

"Yes, Kenneth did mention something about it."

"Of course he would, he is my grandson after all." Both of them smile wickedly at me.

My knees buckle at her words as I look between the two of them. Zara clasps her hands in front of her.

"And what kind of eating disorder do I have you might ask?" She points to Kenneth who then reveals the contents of tonight's dinner.

A sinister smirk flashes across her face as she reaches for her utensils.

"I tend to enjoy the taste of children."

Flesh for OrphansWhere stories live. Discover now