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The address of the house is right, but no music is coming out from the apartment even though a party should have been taken place there right now.
I check again the address on my phone, it is the right one even though I didn't know who was living here or who organises a party that starts at noon. After letting the bell ring for three times by now, sweaty and dehydrated. I ring the bell for the last time and finally someone comes.

While standing there like a fool, Bobby with a black red flowery shirt, and a serious face is staring at me. "Hi, at least someone came?" he says smiling while some strands of his blond hair is accidentally falling over his blue eyes.
"Hi, again, I thought there was a party here sorry, maybe I got the wrong address." "The party was cancelled but since you're here, come in. Before that actually... what's your name? Cause my name is Douchebag and we all get away with that... but I never got yours drunk stranger..." "It's Kathleen" I say while coming in a really lightening apartment.

Everything is in a contrast from the pop colours of the furniture and the white of the walls. The hall is illuminated by a big window on the ceiling linked to the kitchen through a stairs and everything around is pretty tidy and neat. The window ceiling makes the kitchen look wider, like if a portion of the sky belonged to that space and that space only.

"Listen, Bobby right? I'm sorry for the other night, I was drunk and I owe you a T-shirt, your T-shirt actually" "Yeah don't worry about that" he answers while taking two beers from the fridge and turning to me "Is Peroni ok?" He says politely staring at me with those blue eyes now brightened by a beam of sunlight passing through. " It's perfect, so why the party was cancelled, nobody told me of that" I say while awkwardly looking and walking around.
"I wasn't much in the mood anymore actually, so I just cancelled an hour before it"  he explains while I follow him up to the stairs entering a big rooftop.

A big sofa is placed near the main ledge to give us a view over the city and is covered from the sun thanks to some light sheets, it looks like a fort under covers, the one you used to make when you were a child.
"Do you like doing fortress?" "Yes, I find them comfy, I ordered some pizza, hope you like it" "As long as it doesn't have pineapple in it I'm fine"
Here we are sat next to each other while he passes me the beer and I feel embarrassed silence creeping in...
"So what do you do for a living?" I say filling the empitiness between us.
"I play the bass in a band, but I guess you knew it" he answers taking a sip and looking at something non-existent in the distance, an horizon is not enough tangible to be real now.
"Now I know it better" I say with a shy smile looking nervously at my hands.
"You?" he says turning while adjusting some cushions
"I cuddle hedgehogs for living" I answer carelessly
"Oh that's explains a lot" he smiles while taking another sip from his beer "I noticed you really like staring at me, don't you?"
"I...Do you have a cigarette?"
"You told me you didn't smoke yesterday" he almost exclaimes frowning his eyebrows in surprise
"Yes well I do when it's needed and now it's needed so..."
"I won't give you any unless you tell me why you like so much staring at me" he says laughing  "Oh, you find that funny, ok fine I won't smoke than" I add almost bothered, crossing my arms like a child. This all situation was being childish at it's best.
"Oh c'mon"
"Your eyes" I answer while looking up
"My eyes what?" he says placing his head between his hands
"I like the way the light make your eyes brighten ok? Now that I made a fool of myself can we keep going please? And I lied about my work, I'm a concert photographer"
"I get it that for you my name was Douchbag, but I'm not that stupid to think you cuddle hedgehogs" he says while laughing and making me laughing too "I like it here, it's really peaceful, and this cute fortress reminds me of when I was little.
I used to go by the sea with my cousins and we used to make this big fortresses with the towels, or at home with sheets and pillows at night before watching a movie. Sorry, I don't think you care about my life story" I say sighing and looking in front of me trying to convince myself that there is a detouch between the sky and the lines of the blue sea in the distance framing this moment.
"It's cute, it reminds me when I was little too that's why I make them, I usually come up the roof for looking at sunsets while having a beer or play some new songs with the guys when they are around, it's the best thing ever." he says with a chuckle
I turn around and he is looking at me with such intensity that I can hear a voice screaming inside my head to run.
"I better go actually, it's 3 am, and nobody it's coming or something so, I don't think it's a good thing to bother you any longer or something" I say while getting up and going for the stairs to go down, "Wait" I hear while I'm on the fourth step "You should stay" he says while I stop "Why should I?" I say doubtful
"For the sunset"

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