Chapter 4

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The Hamilton's woke up the next morning, got dressed and all went down for breakfast.

There was a lot of choices at the restaurant, there was a selection of a full cooked breakfast of: Sausages,Bacon,eggs fried or scrambled, baked beans, hash browns and toast there was even a selection of pastries and cereals. "One thing that is great about being on a road trip and staying in Motels and that is the cooked breakfasts,"AJ said as everyone was queuing up for the breakfast buffet. Angelica nodded with agreement. James frowned at the selection of food in front of him "I always have Coco pops on the weekend." AJ puts his arm onto his brothers shoulder "James, one thing you need to know when on vacation is that you can eat anything you like and not in routine." "That's right,"Angelica said "go on James have a pain au chocolate." "I think i'll stick with coco pops for now,"James said helping himself to some cereal.

"I have a surprise for all of you,"Eliza said spreading strawberry jam onto a piece of toast, the family all took a seat at a table at the back of the restaurant. "Are we getting our stuff back?"Angie asked. Eliza gave Angie a look "Honey, do you really think I'll give you back your phone so you can just talk to Charlotte for the entire trip?" She asked. "Come on Pumpkin it'll be fun,"Alex said trying to get his kids motivated for Eliza's sake even though he wasn't looking forward for the potential risk of being behind important work. "Nice try though,"Philip tells his sister, Angelica gave Philip a sharp nudge "Oh shut up Philip!" Eliza frowned Philip and Angelica used to be so close, they would always play together in the back garden when they were little,Angelica adored Philip and would always copy him with everything he did, She would also sneak into his bed at night whenever she had a nightmare or got scared, and now all they seem to do is argue about every single little thing and shut themselves away into their bedrooms. Philip shook his head rolling his eyes a little with a sigh escaping from his lips.

"I have booked ourselves a holiday cottage for us to stay in for a few days before we continue our trip, I know it is tough spending days in a car so this morning I found a cute cottage for us to slow down for a bit and to enjoy ourselves more,"Eliza said.
"What's so exciting about spending days at a old cottage without our stuff?"Aj asked "We can't even bring a book on this trip."
"We're not spending all our time inside,"Eliza said laughing a little "We will go on nature walks, go on picnics, explore the nearby towns and attractions, you'll see, I've done my research, youll love it!"

"Are we there yet?" Johnny asked for the 30th time on the trip. All the other kids groaned hearing Johnny the same question again. "Mom make him shut up!" James begged for once all the kids agreed with each other on something as they all mumbled a "yeah," and nodded with agreement. "He's only little,"Eliza tells them gently "He's excited to spend time at the cottage aren't you Johnny?" Eliza asked the toddler. Johnny nodded furiously smiling widely. "I don't see why,"AJ mumbled he wasn't looking forward for this stop and neither did any of his siblings (except Johnny) Alex just wanted to keep Eliza happy even if it meant he cant do any work while on this very long trip but if it meant seeing his Betsy smile and laugh that was enough for him. Alex decided to give Eliza a break and do the rest of the driving for the trip.

Half an hour later they finally arrived at the holiday resort with so many old fashioned cottages could be seen in sight. Curiosity broke in all of the Hamilton children as they all looked out of the windows as Alex goes to get the key from the reception centre. "Oh it's actually really beautiful here,"Angelica said."I wonder which one we'll be staying in," James commented. Alex soon came back to the car but looked confused. "What's the matter darling?"Eliza asked Alex. Alex started the engine and turned his head to look at Eliza "We're staying with another family,"he said "According to the lady at the desk." "Really?"Eliza asked "It didn't say anything when I booked this morning."

The Hamiltons all stood outside the door of their cottage. It was very beautiful, something you would see in a fairytale and books, with flowers of different types of colour's growing through the white brick, the window frames painted in black with even more flowers with plant pots. The door was wooden with not a scratch in sight, James didn't have to go inside to know that he already likes it here, it looks so peaceful and quite. Eliza was holding Johnny in her right arm with all the other kids standing in front of her as Alex knocked on the door.

The Hamilton Family Roadtrip {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now