Chapter 1

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A/N- this is like right after the war with Gaia.
Percys POV
We were still not great to say the least. But we were still alive (somehow). I was just hanging with Annabeth in her room when I hear this: yEAH? WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY DEBT PLAN!
Annabeth got up and just looked down the hallway and yelled "shut the f*ck up Alex! No one wants to hear you arguing with Jefferson!"
I look down the hallway to see another girl looking out her door.
"Alex and Thomas Jefferson are having a MeEtInG about a debt plan for the camp. Sorry Annabeth!" After she said that a guy with dark skin and short black hair (A/N hE hAs hAiR nOw) peeked his out from behind her.
"Well I wanted to come bUt nOoO." He said.

                  ALeXaNdEr'S POV
All that yelling that they heard, just a cover.
(That makes them sound like criminals)
We were actually planing Aaron Burrs birthday party. We were going to have cake made by the schuyler sisters, we were going to have movies (smuggled in by Herc), we were even going to have a sleepover (Lmao that makes them sound like they're 10). He never really celebrated his birthday so we are going to!
Me and most of my friends know what it's like to loose a loved one. I always am close to my boyfriend, John (*Lams intensifying*) and my sister, or brother (because she's gender fluid), Jaiden because I'm scared of losing anyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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