Chapter Two: Arrival at Hogwarts.

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Steam was still rising in the air while dusk was setting on the horizon in the British landscape when the four friends heared a trolley coming down in the aisle of the train. 'Probably the sweet trolley, it's always late because we are the last in the train'. The sweet trolley was a trolley full of sweets. Like Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, these are small jelly beans like muggle sweets but with every flavour you can imagine. People even say they got Vomit and earwax once. Lino once tried one and had the soap flavour, he hadn't tried since then. The sweet trolley had more than bertie bott's, like pumpkin pasty's or cauldron cakes. Lino looked to the opening when he saw the lady with the trolley in her hands.

"Anyone want something from the trolley my dears?" the lady asked looking towards the four students.

"No we don't need anything, we're good" Lino answered, looking at the lady and then looking back out the windom to the fields passing by on a fairly high speed. He looked outside again and it had gone dark, knowing they would soon arrive at Hogwarts Lino stood up and got his robes out of this trolley.

"Better get changing, soon we'll be back at Hogwarts and you know the carriages don't like to wait to long" he said while looking to the others. They all stood up and took their robes putting them over their clothes they had been wearing to get to the train. Lino had been wearing a coat with blue jeans and a black hoodie that was getting a bit too small for his comfort. He had been wearing these normal clothes instead of his robes because it would be weird for muggles to see lot's of people walking in central London in different kind of robes.

"Im still getting used to those carriages, not going by boat like in the first year" Maxime announced.

"Well we aren't first years anymore, we know quite a bit of magic is" Salma answered. "Not enough to be the best but still quite a bit".

The train started to slow down and the curtains rolled down at by the windows, blocking the dark landscape still passing by. Ada was lying on het back with her legs against the door of the coupon but when lights were shining through the light curtains she got up.

"Look at that, we're at the train station. Time to get up and get a move on, like you said Linus they don't like to wait to long!" she said while walking through the door in the corridor. The rest followed her out of the train walking in a crowd of students. Lino saw some fellow students walking through the crowd while also seeing smaller people. They looked all very small, but so did he when walking beside Maxime, it was an understatement when saying he was average. The long legged boy was Twice the hight of Lino and it seemed like he had grown again since last year.

"Maxime" He said while walking beside him through the crowd of people trying to get a move on. " Have you grown again last summer?"

"Only a small bit" he answered. " I swear i'm not doing it on purpose to make you guys look small".

They walked to the carriages that were standing near the entrance of the forest close to Hogwarts. Lino now could see who were the first years students and who weren't. First years had to go by a different path,which would be leading them to boats that went over a lake, seeing hogwarts getting closer and closer. Lino Remembered his first time seeing Hogwarts in the distance while being carried over the lake by a boat. It was so beautiful, Towers with lights in the distance getting closer by every second while the whole castle was reflecting on the lake with a nice beautiful nightsky.

Lino and his friends had gotten at the end of the queue for their private carriage. It were black carriages being pushed forward by nothing, just like magic. About four or perhaps five if they weren't to big could fit in the carriage, Lino and his friends being with four and one of them looking like a halfgiant fit just about in one carriage.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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