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This is the introduction chapter!

Hope you enjoy it.


Louis hated his job. Yeah, it did have good pay but his boss was such a pain in the ass. here he was at 4:30 in the morning having a nice long hot shower before he had to face the devil. He needed to be there at 6 am sharp with his boss's coffee, he wasn't sure why his boss made him do all these tasks for her since he wasn't her assistant.

He finally decided on some ripped black skinny jeans and a blue shirt. Walking back to the bathroom to style his hair he decided to just leave it down today. He put on his vans and grabbed his backpack with his laptop and some papers he needed to read. Quickly he went down to the kitchen to make himself some eggs for breakfast as he was looking around the kitchen for the eggs he saw the avocados.

"Bloody hell why do we have them fucking avocados man?" he groaned and decided to skip breakfast because the avocados put him in a bad mood.

"YO LIAM I'M GONNA GO TO WORK MATE" he yelled over to his brown-haired boy that was rubbing his eyes from just waking up.

"Alright Louis good luck with the boss, I have a photoshoot later so I'll probably be back late" Liam explained.

"Alright payno, see ya later." Louis headed out the door and got into his old car which was a 'Honda Civic' which he bought himself because he didn't want his dad to buy him his car like he bought everything else.

Arriving at around 5:57 in 'E-Publishing' he walked in and quickly made a coffee for his boss. He waited for her and she arrived at exactly 6:00, after handing her the coffee he made his way to his office which he shared with 2 of his friends, they were a higher ranking than him but they still worked in the same office.

"Hey lads!" Louis sang as he walked into where only one of his friends was working.

"Hey, Louis, what's happening?" A guy with a lot of tattoos and very dark-haired asked.

"Nothing just same old same old Zayn, where's Gigi?"

"You know how she is, always running la-"

The door suddenly bursts open and a sweaty girl with long dirty blonde hair and greenish eyes walks in.

"IM SO LATE UGH" the girl hissed as soon as she walked in.

"Hello to you too," Louis responded in a calm tone.

The girl gave Louis a deadly glare and if looks could kill he would already be six feet under. Louis ended up putting his hands up to surrender and walked over to his desk. He opened his laptop and started opening emails and responding to them.

After about 3 hours Louis started getting tired and decided to take a break so he went to get himself some coffee. After grabbing his coffee he started walking back when he saw a flyer that caught his attention. It read "SIGN UP TO BE A INTERN AT STYLES INC. VARIETY OF JOBS TO CHOOSE FROM, FASHION, WRITING, ETC." He grabbed it and took it back to his desk.

He looked at it for what felt like forever when in reality it was just about 10 minutes. Finally, he decided it wouldn't do any harm to sign up, he probably wasn't gonna get it anyways. He went on the website and clicked 'interns' he filled it all out and chose the 'WRITING' option. Throwing the flyer away he figured he had to continue working so that's what he did.

The day finally came to an end at 6:00 pm and Louis was packing up when he decided to check his email one more time before leaving. When he opened it he was surprised to see an email from the address 'STYLES INC.' He opened it and it read;

Dear Mr. Tomlinson,

We have seen your application and you seem like an adequate candidate to work at the Writing part of STYLES INC. If you decide to accept you will start off as an intern for a few months and then we decide out of all the interns who are more fit for the job. You can come by the office tomorrow at 8 am sharp for more information. We hope you decide to accept it.



Louis couldn't even believe he got chosen because earlier he did some research and STYLES INC. is one of the biggest companies in the world owning a variety of shops so there were probably thousands of applicants. He said a quick goodbye to everyone and started heading home while arguing in his head if he should take it or not.

As soon as he got home he kicked off his shoes and threw himself onto the couch. After debating again whether he should take the job or not he went to order some Chinese to help him think.


Louis was now laying down on his bed full of the food and yet again debating whether he should take the job. He didn't want to ask anyone for advice because he wanted this to be his decision and not get manipulated by his parents for once in his life. As soon as his parents came into his mind he cringed.

He was born into a pretty wealthy family because his parents were both very successful lawyers and all his life he was being controlled and manipulated by them. He was like a puppet, his parents even wanted him to study law as they did but after hours and hours of fighting they let him study writing, his dad even got him this job he was in but Louis didn't want to live off his parent's money and he was tired of being a puppet to them. His parents would probably hate him if he took this job and would give him a lecture about not being grateful and all that shit. He stayed quiet for a few minutes and then he stood up.

"Fuck it, I'm going"


Hey guys so this is the first chapter, I think it was okay but since it's my first book it's probably not the best but I'm working on my writing and I hope I get better the more I write. I hope you all liked it and don't forget to comment and vote:)

What's your favorite song?


Walking in the Wind. (l.s)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora