Chapter 1

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Present Day

*buzz buzz*

Andrea wakes up to the sound of her phone vibrating on her nightstand. She buries her head into her pillow, but she can't seem to escape the incessant buzzing. She groans, reaching towards her phone. She checks the screen, and immediately sits up, making herself dizzy. After reorienting herself, she reads the screen again. And again. Tristan. He hadn't tried to contact her since she left, so why would he be calling now? She stares at her phone for another two heart beats before answering.


"What do you want Tristan?" Andrea demands.

"I'm sorry to bother you m'am. Is this Miss Andrea Matthews?" says the person on the other end. 

Andrea sits up straighter. Who was this? And why did they have Tristan's cell phone?

"This is she," she says hesitantly, "and who is this?"

"Hello Miss Matthews. My name is Lucas Reagan, I'm an EMT at LA County General."

Andrea froze, "The hospital?"

"Yes. I am calling because you were listed as the emergency contact in Mr. Blane's cell phone."

Andrea felt her heart begin to race, and her breathing quicken.

"I'm afraid that Mr. Blane has been in an accident. He was making a left turn, and was hit when another driver ran the red light."

Tears were pouring down Andrea's face as she asked, "Is he ok?" her voice quavering.

"He is alright, the main point of impact was on the passenger side, so he only suffered from minor wounds..."

There was something else.

"What aren't you telling me?" 

"When he was brought into the emergency room, Mr. Blane was suffering from major head trauma, his head had crashed into the window, giving him a serious concussion. He is awake, and the he seems to be doing just fine..."


"But he doesn't remember anything."

"About what happened?"

"Yes, and no. He doesn't remember anything. Not even his name. We were hoping that you could come and get him, bring him home and help him readjust, work on getting his memory back."

Andrea sat there, stunned, shocked, devastated. She took a minute to pull herself together before answering.

 "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Sorry it took so long guys!!! I changed up how she finds out bc I liked this better. I hope your enjoying the story!! Make sure to vote and share the story!!! Every vote and share counts!!!!

Find out more about me on my insta and tiktok: mollsbchillin

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