Chapter Sixteen: Dragons

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Pulling up a wooden chair to the wide table, Max sat in the library with an ancient book in front of him. The pages were yellowed and the cover was falling apart. Max had been drawn to the book in a way he couldn't explain. He had been here looking for Cooper when he had passed by the book. He had felt a fiery sensation in his head and he had stumbled, knocking the book off the shelf. He had read the title as he picked it up and decided to give it a read. So, Max sat down and gingerly opened the book to the first page.

He read 'A history of Dragons. Dragons are one of the most magically natural and powerful beings in existence. They all have a breath weapon, the most common being fire, but they can range to breathing ice at their foes, as well. They are most fearsome beast and all are very intelligent and known by name. In fact, many dragons shared their wisdom in the making of this book.'

Max gave a start at that. Dragons helped write this, he thought in wonder. It was simply astounding to think about.

He read on, his curiosity growing as he read the ancient text 'Dragons, unlike their cousins the drake, have wings and can fly to great altitudes. They have been known to be called 'terrors of the sky'. Dragons inhabit caves and crags. Most like to live in hot or desolate places were as others live near farmsteads to eat sheep and other farm animals. These dragons are relatively small. In addition to habitat, Dragons have different natures, much like humans, they can be greedy, ambitious, kind or even shy. Dragons have different defining traits and none are exactly alike.'

Max turned to the next chapter 'Dragon Lore: Dragons have the most lore and myth around them out of any mystical creature. It is said that out of all the dragons in existence, there lives one ruling Astral Dragon. The Astral Dragon was a being of a immense power. The dragon was one of kindness, though, and used it's powers for the greater good of nature. There were also the four elemental dragons. Wind was Milenth Lord of the Yellow. Milenth is said to be just and reasonable. Water was Lyth the Voiceless. She is most beautiful but is said to not communicate to any but her master, The Astral Dragon. Fire was Visalth the Firestarter. His flames ravaged his enemies and all fled from his fierce might. Only the Astral Dragon could keep him in check. Earth was Dallarth the Mammoth. Like the world itself, his size and majesty is all consuming. He is said to be the most dormant but fierce when enraged. All these dragons are said to live in existence. They are said to bring magic to the people with the power of the Gem of Iris. The Alerdreamian coat of arms shows such an image. The dragons are said to be the life of their kingdom and all other dragons worship them as gods.'

Max read the words in wonder. Dragons of immense power. Legendary beast that ruled over all. It was simply amazing to imagine.

Max read onto the next chapter and he raised his eyebrows in curiosity 'Dragon Riders: Certain dragons bond with people and allow them to become their partners. A sacred pack between dragon and rider is made and for the rest of their lives they are bound in that covenant. Dragons and riders can be brought together at any point of life. Some dragons are raised and hatched and others are found and they decide to bond. The dragon riders have a means of communicating with their dragon from any distance through the use of mind communication or, telepathy. Dragons can sometimes bestow an increased magical power on riders, not as powerfully as the Gem of Iris, of course. Dragons create deep bonds with their riders through their pact and become very attached to them. They may suffer depression or death if their rider dies and they live or vis versa. Dragons and riders have a unique and interesting relationship between mythical and human. Famous dragon riders include Hilda Lee, Cruella Flame, Axuro Green, Winston Noyes, and, of course, Luther Ashblood.

Max closed the old book. To be a dragon rider, he thought as he looked down at the dragon on his sword, Cometfell. It grinned up at him. A dragon, how good it would feel to soar through the air, he thought longingly as he looked out the window and over to the hills and the sky beyond.

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