oneshot part THREÉ (featuring my sona)

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(*deep voice* hello. hi ok so uhh idk what else to write so uhh lets go 4 ANOTHER THYME X ORCHID ONESHOT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH OH MY GOD)

okay ahem


The distant sound of machinery could be heard as Thyme and Orchid decided to leave poor Hero behind in Dirtmouth to head to Crystal Peak.

"Alright, we're here!" Thyme exclaimed, slotting a few fifty geo into the little slot machine and unlocking the gate. "It's the last of what I had on me, but it works. Hero wouldn't lend me any of his own, unfortunately."

Thyme waited a few moments for the gate to open. He waited a bit more.

"Uhm.. Are we supposed to wait this long?" Orchid asked. She was right, it should've opened by now.
"Give me one second." Thyme walked up to the gate and used his nail to try and pry it open, hoping it was just jammed and that he hadn't accidentally miscounted on geo. After a few seconds of no luck, the gate suddenly decided to open. Thyme laughed in success, thinking he had done something while Orchid simply walked past him.

Orchid took admiration of the crystallized caves. Dashes of sparkling pink shards raced across the ceilings and floors. Machinery systems littered the entire place as they picked up and dropped the crystal remains into conveyors and buckets. it felt like a whole wonderland of a shinking pink colour.
"Thyme, how did you manage to find this place?" Orchid questioned. "Its absolutely amazing!!" She wandered around the caves aimlessly, mesmerised by the sparkling of the transparent rocks above her.

Thyme couldn't help but watch. After their unfortunate incident involving The Midwife and his embarrassing debut, they've tried to get to know eachother a bit more. And, unfortunately, he's still madly in love with her.

It's only when he was whacked in the head with a hard, metal object was then he realised that this wasn't the safest place.

Thyme fell face first onto the ground, his head pounding from the impact.
"Oh my god! Thyme are you okay?!" Orchid exclaimed, scurrying over to help him up.

"I'm fine." Thyme responded, a groan in his voice. He turned to where the object had hit him and noticed a pickaxe on the ground. That must've been what had hit him. He looked upward to see one of the many husk miners coming towards them. In a panic, Thyme made the reflex of raising his nail - but he realised he left it back in Dirtmouth because he thought he didn't need it.

"..Oh dear." Thyme muttered under his breath, ushering Orchid further into the peak until they couldn't go any further.

"Do you have anything I can use to defend us?!" Thyme exclaimed, before taking a glance at the pickaxe that had hit him before still on the ground. He wasn't sure if he could be able to take it, considering he was used to his own weapon, but he took the risk anyway, shoving past the miner and clutching the pickaxe in his own hand.

The miner charged towards him and as he was about to swing forward, a small figure came in front of him and took the kill. The miner fell still.

Thyme dropped the pickaxe, fortunate that he didn't have to risk his own life today, but he wondered... Who the hell was this tiny vessel standing infront of him?

The tiny creature turned around. A small, almost joyful face looked up towards him, it's nail scattered with the orange fluid from the now dead corpse of the husk miner. It's head was cracked and a band of crystals formed inside the injury.

"Uhm.. Can we ask your name?" Orchid asked. "That was really brave of you to save us like that."
The vessel did not speak.

"..Orchid they aren't speaking. They're just staring at me." Thyme whispered.
Orchid sighed, going towards the vessel and gently tapping it on the shoulder. They turned around to face her.
"Can we ask your name--" The vessel shoved Orchid out of the way, drawing something in the ground before leaving quickly without a trace.

Thyme and Orchid looked toward eachother in disbelief, but they laughed it off and looked toward the ground.

In the earth there was engraved the word 'Cry'.

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