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Abuja, Nigeria.
September, 2019.


I woke up an hour ago and took some time to journal. The feeling of accomplishment still lingers, and I can't help but reflect on the journey that brought me to this very moment.

We came back from Istanbul last week, after the whirlwind of exams, thesis presentations, and graduation celebrations, I decided to take a well-deserved break before starting NYSC. Hopefully the first batch next year, but for now, I am enjoying the freedom that comes with this brief pause.

Aslam was supposed to see Daddy in Nigeria, but they spoke in Istanbul a day before we came back because Aslam had to be in the States and Daddy wouldn't be available by the time he would come back to Nigeria, he had a conference to attend.

Daddy surprised me yesterday. He knocked on my door and peeked through, I was engrossed in the pages of "You" by Caroline Kepnes, which I'm reading because of the Netflix adaptation I had recently watched.

"Take a break from reading," he advised, smiling as he tucked a strand of hair behind my left ear.

"I'm just enjoying my comfort Daddy" I smiled cheekily.

"Toh shikenan" he smiled. "Come and see what I have for you." He took my hand, and together, we descended the stairs to the foyer. He placed a key in my hand.

I sprinted to the driveway and halted in my tracks, staring at the red Lexus IS250, I gasped and enveloped him in a hug. He was my first passenger, I went on the first test drive with him.



"Ina kwana Maama" I greeted, as I walked into her living room.

She sat on the single couch, an arranged tea tray on the coffee table in front of her, probably her 3rd cup of the day.

"The queen has finally woken up," she replied sarcastically. "It's not even morning, it's 12:07" she checked her wristwatch.

"Kaiii Maaaa, I woke up over an hour ago, I just had some stuff to do, nayi rearranging shoe rack ina and sorted some clothes for charity".

"Yayi kyau, go and find something to eat toh"...

"Toh shikenan" I laughed.

I headed to the kitchen and made some fried yam with egg sauce, and sat on one of the kitchen island chairs and ate. I finished my late breakfast and headed to my room to take a bath.

I brought out a silk boubou and laid it on my bed then proceeded to take an everything shower, scrub, shave, and all of that.

I got ready in the white boubou touches of maroon, styling the scarf into a turban then paired it with a match Dolce and Gabbana bag and a pair of maroon Hermes slippers, accessorizing with matching jewelry before heading to Ya Sa'adah's house.

I drove to the house in my car, Alicia Keys' As I am album playing on a low volume. I reached the house and parked, grabbing my bag, cup of lemonade and pack of the kilish Maa gave me to bring before walking to the front door and pressing the bell.

"Yessss, I'm coming" Sa'adah shouted.

"Amnoo" she squealed, immediately she opened the door.

"You look like a mess, don't hug me" I scoffed.

"Mtsww" she hissed, shifting so I could get in.

I laughed and hugged her.

"Come help me, I'm making pasta"...

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