CHAPTER 19~AUGUST 22, 2014

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Reynolds and Mr. Grey~{3:08pm-3:40pm_Driving to Greys house}

On the road driving Mr. Grey back home from his errands that he needed to run today. Riding in the back of the SUV with my eyes closes as I lean back into the back seat, but as Reynolds continues to drive me home, I open my eyes and looks out the window. Looking out the back window, but as I do, I watch every tree pass by us and it makes my migraine even worse and which is also making me really sick to my stomach so saids to Reynolds [REYNOLDS PULL THE SUV OVER PLEASE!]. As I continue to drive to the Greys house, I hear Mr. Grey and quickly pulls the SUV over to the side of the road. I remove my seat belt as Reynolds pulls the SUV over to the side of the road. When the SUV comes to a full stop, I jump out of the SUV, leaving the back door open, and quickly goes behind the SUV out of sight. Puts my hand on the back window of the SUV to hold myself up and throws up all of my lunch onto the side of the road. Somewhat hears Mr. Grey and quick gets out of the drivers seat, leaving the SUV running, and goes to the back of the SUV to check on Mr. Grey. Continues to throw up until my stomach is completely empty. Finds Mr. Grey behind the SUV throwing up and ask when he stops throwing up [Sir are you okay, can I get you anything sir?]. Dry heaves comes, but when I feel I am done, I stand back up straight and pulls out my handkerchief from my suit jacket and wipes off my mouth then saids to Reynolds [Can you grab me a water from under the back seats please]. [Yes sir] goes to the back of the SUV then ducks inside and from the underneath the back seats, I grab one of the water bottles for Mr. Grey. With the water bottle in hand, I take it back to him, but as I go to him, I open the bottle for him, and when I am standing in front of him, I hold out the water bottle to him [Here you go sir!]. Takes the water from Reynolds then puts drinks into my mouth, but instead of shallowing the water down, I swishes the water in my mouth then spits it out. Does it two more times until I dont taste the taste of vomit in my mouth then drinks some of my water. Watches Mr. Grey then when he done, I hold out the lid to his bottle and saids [Here the lid to you water bottle sir]. Takes the lid to my water bottle from Reynolds and saids [Okay lets continue home now] before Reynolds can reply back to me, I spins myself around and heads back to the back so I can get into the SUV. As Mr. Grey walks away, I say as I follow him [Yes sir] once he is back into the SUV, I close the SUVs back door then goes the SUV and gets back into the drivers seat closing the door behind me. Buckles back up then takes off again driving back to the Greys house. Leans back in my seat once again and closes my eyes to rest, hoping my stomach settles down and the migraine that I still have goes away too. As I drive to the Greys house, I call Taylor to let him know that Mr. Grey and I are ten minutes out of arriving to the Greys house.

Mrs. Grey, Miss Davis, Phoebe Grey, and Taylor~{3:30pm-4pm_Mrs. Greys study of the Greys house}

Still fasted asleep because Mommys voice keeps me sleeping. I scoot to the edge of the couch and as Hannah and I continue to chat, I clear off the coffee table and picks up the poster tube that holds the blueprints. Opens it then with Hannahs help, she removes the blueprints from the tube. I set the tube on the floor by our feet then help her unroll the blueprints onto the coffee table. Helps Ana unroll the blueprints onto the coffee table and ask [So now are you going to tell me the idea you have and why you ask for these blueprints of GPH?]. Eats my other half my ice cream sundae and saids [Yes!] smiles then ask [Hannah do you if we have four room at the back of GPH that open and or not in use for a while?]. Eating my sundae and as I look at the blueprints saids [Actually, yes its right along here] points to the four room in the back of GPH on the first floor on the blueprint. Looking as I eat my sundae and saids [Thats perfect! So, what I was thinking for these four rooms is to turn them into a daycare for the staff of GPH that have little ones like I do and maybe one day you Hannah too] smiles. Smiles then saids [I love the idea Ana. It will help out the staff the has little one like you and they dont always have to worry about finding a babysitter showing and or not and not able to come into work because they have no one to look after their child or children]. [Exactly Hannah because when I go back to work hopefully sometimes next month, I dont think I can leave this little one] looks at Phoebe thats sleeping in her bassinet in front of me. In my office checking over the security camera, when I hear my cellphone so picks it up and sees Reynolds calling. After talking to Reynolds, I open my text message and text Mrs. Grey by saying (Hi Mrs. Grey, its Taylor! I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Grey is on his way home and will be home in ten minutes. So, you dont have to worry about running into him) press send on my cellphone so text message is sent to Mrs. Grey. As Hannah and I are going over the plans for the new daycare for GPH, I hear my Blackberry beside me so picks up to see who it is and sees a text message from Taylor then saids to [I need to answer this text Hannah]. [No no go head this is your house. Do what you need to do Ana, I can wait] looks back at the blueprints as I eats my sundae while Ana does her thing on her cellphone. Nods to Hannah then opens Taylors text message then replies back by saying (Okay thank you for letting me know Taylor. Taylor can you please inform Mr. Grey that later tonight he needs to call his mother so he can say goodnight to our son) presses send. Few minutes passes and hears my cellphone and sees a text message back from Mrs. Grey. So reads her text message then responds back by texting (Your welcome and yes I will Mr. Grey). Sees another text message from Taylor and replies back (THANK YOU!!). Hears my cellphone again and sees another text from Mr. Grey so reads it, but doesnt reply back to her because I know she still with Miss Davis.

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