the abuse

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Hi my name is izuku yagi I have been living in hell for 11 years, but let's back up to when I was four years old the day all my life went to shit

(Flash back 11 years ago)

MMMMOOOOMMM DDDDAAAADDD WAKE UP, izuku and izuki shout ok kids get of me and your mother. Toshinori said ok daddy izuku and izuki said lets go kids inko said ok mommy.

(Timeskip to the doctor)
Yagi family come with me the doctor said lets go kids inko said ok would you like the good news or bad news the doc said t.the bad inko said I hate having to do this it seems that little izuku won't get a quirk  the doc said. drops his all might action figure w.what but me and my husband have quirks why dose he not have one inko asks.

(Time skip little quirk speech)

But what about my daughter inko said nervously good news she has two quirk one is a super strong telekinesis and the other is a strength enhancer quirk that we named BOOST and telekinesis PSYCHIC STROM the doc said. Inko picked up izuki and said that she will be the next number 1 hero all the while izuku was looking at his mom in shock that she just ignored his existence but izuku though it will get better boy was he wrong this is the beginning of his hell and mabey a new life with others.

Hey guys sorry haven't been on got stumped with a load of work but do not worry more chapters will be out tomorrow tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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