Like a brick wall

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter franchise all rights to J.K.Rowling. I hope you enjoy this sorry if it's not properly edited feel free to tell me where I've made a mistake.
Brick walls.
They're all very strange really when you think about it, it's just like a brick wall you look at it and trace the patterns. You tend to realise that a brick wall is just a big pattern that just keeps going up until it's told to stop. Now that I think about it there's quite a lot of things that we quite underestimate that our lives would be completely different without. Like glass, it's so fragile it could break with just a throw of a rock, but yet we wouldn't be able to see half of the things that we do if we used bricks for windows instead of glass.

Like right now for instance, I'm looking straight ahead out a window.

At James Potter.

James Freaking Potter.

He's just out there laughing at his friends and with them, being the overall silly human being he is, not even taking a notice to the fact that I'm staring at him. I'm staring at him with more intensity and attraction than I've stared at anyone before. It's worrying. I like the guy, but right now -lucky me- I haven't had the pleasure since 5th year that I usually do of being asked out by James Potter. Am I the only person who sees the issue with this? No just me, ok then I'll just pack up my stuff and go to another place where I'll get the necessary functions for a person who has gone mental. Did you catch that? I've gone M-E-N-T-A-L! And I'm starting to worry that I may never be ok again.

I seem to have the strange feeling that he doesn't like me all that much anymore because of the fact that he hasn't asked me out since the 5th year incident. That is why I couldn't be caught staring through the glass, because if he doesn't like me then that's it game over. Goodbye world, farewell, and the world would say farewell Lily.

It seems to me that another issue has also clouded my mind, one of my best friends, Dorcas  Meadowes also likes James. Well aren't I just little miss lucky Lily. Behold the Queen of luck for she is making her appearance. Bow down to your leader for it is I the one that is of much importance.

It is then I realise that I am not alone anymore, I have company. One of my other best friends Mary has shown herself and made it to the crime scene. The scene of crimes, where we do not speak aloud of James Potter and his so called group of friends 'the marauders'. But we can still stare and think about them to no limit. Oh the staring is always permitted. What would we be without the thinking either? The thinking sets off the staring.... Anyway that's off topic now, as Mary is starting to look like she's concerned about my wellbeing. I mean fair enough so am I.

"You ok Lils?" She asks me her voice drenched in concern that gives off the sense of being cared for to a new extent.

"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking," I tell her as it is true, I'm ok really since I'm out of the denial zone, those were dark days.

"We better get going to charms then," Mary announces and links her arm with mine as she starts walking with me attached to her arm to charms class.

We get into charms and there is the person I'm in between wanting to stare at forever and just look at the three small freckles sitting on top of his nose, and wanting to avoid forever out of sheer embarrassment for the past, present and future. But what can I do? But here is another issue there's only one seat left, well yes there was once a time when there was two, but those times are over since Mary just took the other seat next to Remus. Damn her and her crush on him. But I also feel like she may have sort of seen me staring at James and jumped to completely correct conclusions. I take the final seat next to James, trying not to look him in the eye, or for the matter, look at him at all. I don't want my mind to go wandering to places that it doesn't need to be at this time of the day.

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