Untitled Part 2

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‘Twas exactly fifty years ago last night

And I will never forget, try as I might, 

How meanly I was treated on New Year’s Eve 

Back in my youthful days when I was naive

By a football hero who thought himself king

While he played girls along like puppets on string.

We happened to teach at the same local school,

Not a good idea ; I really was a fool 

But I was convinced that I was so in love 

That I even prayed to our dear Lord above, 

Asking him to urge the fellow to marry 

Because I was worried that he might tarry. 

Summer holidays had come and the New Year. 

My footballer decided to take surf gear,

Drive his car far north to a good surfing beach 

Where there were no phones ; he would be out of reach

But promised he would return on New Year’s Eve.

I was so gullible that I did believe. 

He suggested we would go to the Leagues Club, 

"Watch the floor show, dance and have a bite of grub." 

He even told me what outfit I should wear 

And how he wanted me to have my long hair. 

He liked it teased high on the top of my head,

The dress he preferred was provocative red.

When New Year’s Eve came, I did just as he asked.

My hairdo was perfect, I dressed very fast.

My cousin arrived to meet up with her date

At seven thirty ; mine was due around eight.

My brother soon left to pick up his girlfriend 

Who lived on the next street just around the bend.

Those next few hours passed so terribly slowly. 

I was starting to feel awfully lowly;

I couldn't believe that he wouldn't show up. 

My dear dad reluctantly asked what was up.

By midnight I crawled shamefully into bed,

Pulled my teddy bear cover over my head.

Although at times I have slept in my bathrobes,

On that one New Year's Eve I dreamt in my clothes 

I would trample him to death the next chance I got 

And leave him on the beach where his body could rot.

Although fifty years have passed since I was upset,

My elephant memory will never forget.

January 1, 2015

A/N Not all Aussie men are chauvinists but a heck of a lot 

of chauvinists are Aussie men.  ~ Gail

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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