Imagine that

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Once on a rainy day, a girl was writing away.

Not about normal things oh no, she enjoyed writing stories like Edgar Allan Poe.

Those gross, teriffying, nervewracking stories werent real, still the girl could see the appeal.

On she went with her special pen, she kept writing but what happened then.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door, she felt as if she had heard of this before.

She crepped up to the door and looked through her peephole, out there stood a murderer that stole.

Stole lives from the innocent and never could return them, suddenly she knew where she saw this before.... in her poem.

How could this be it was mearly a story, though there he stood in all his disgusting glory.

Exactly how she had described him, ugly, hairy missing one limb.

Staring through the hole terrified of what to come, she heard a rustle 'what has my life become!'.

That's what the giorl screamed in self pity, a clown came crawling from her bedroom looking quite witty.

He smiled at her with a distroted smile, luckily he didn't do anything he just stood there for a while.

'Want to play a game?!' the clown sneered, 'let me in!' said the man, inside he had peered.

The girl was stuck between the men, suddenly she had an idea and grabbed her paper and pen.

'What are you doing?! A stupid story wont save your life!', the man screamed through the door though he had wished he was right.

The girl kept writing not paying attention to the men, 'that's it grab the girl!' is what he screamed but then!

A scream! then a gurgle, what was going on?!, the girl knew exactly, this was her spawn.

The creature suddenly broke the door down the clown let out a scream, after a few seconds the girl said 'we make a pretty good team'.

The creature looked at her with a questioning gaze, 'nevermind.' the girl said 'you don't understand the human ways'.

The creature smiled and hugged the girl, back to her bedroom she twirled.

'Honey get out of bed!', it was morning, luckily it was all in the girl's head...

Dark poetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora