The first Night in a new Bed.

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With the talks done he stood outside Of Barathona's room, and waited patiently for her to come and show him the way to the dinning hall, as he really started to feel hungry, and noticed how late it had become, because when looking out of a window he saw the sunset gently settling, and night would soon be upon them. He felt stupid, he should've brought atleast a backpack with a Change Of clothes and a toothbrush, but oh well, he can bring that tomorrow. While he thought about that and looked into the streets from his window the door opened and Barathona emerged in a simple dress, and looked at him. "I'm coming." He said and walked up to her. "Please, lead the way." With another nod of hers she began walking ahead and knocked on the others rooms when passing by. All except Jessica's. "Um, why don't you knock on Jessica's door?" "Why? Because she's already waiting for us at the table, wondering why we take so long." She says and makes a noise that could be taken as a laugh. "Now that you mention it, yeah, I can imagine that." He chuckles and kept following, while both Etzli and Kaithleen joined them on their way.
The dinning room was located where the breakdown has probably been, with the kitchen being only cut off by a wall with a counter between them, and just as promised jessica awaited them, her tail wagging in excitement of the meal. Speaking off, Jack could smell it, and it Truly smelled lovely causing his mouth to water in prospect of eating this only made his mood rise. But he didn't sit down and instead walked over to the counter, Seeing Karla in an apron doing her work. "Need some help in here?" He offered, not wanting to be seen as a slacker. "Oh no, I'm almost done, just need to put it in the bowls and it's done and ready for eating, so grab your spoons and get ready for digging it." Karla replies and the others, except jessica which already was ready and waiting, did as told and got themselves a spoon, so jack followed their example and stood in line, feeling a bit remembered of college and the messhall. Once with his bowl in hand he took a seat at the long table, and waited for Karla to join them, which had filled the leftovers in a small bowl for herself and sat down at the head of the table. Once all sat, everyone began eating, and Jack began to dig in as well. Already the first spoon tasted heavenly, and it made him wonder if there was something Karla couldn't do. She was good with other people, was good at managing things, was a prowrestler and could cook too! He realized how hungry he had been when he realized he had wolfed down the bowl almost as fast as jessica, and even she seemed impressed by that feat. "Oh my, seems someone had been hungrier then I anticipated. Sorry but we have nothing left." Karla said apologetic as jack looked around in embarrassment, seeing that apart from him and Jessica no one else was done. "I-it's alright, I hadn't even noticed myself how hungry I was. But I also forgot some things at home, so I guess I better get going, so it won't be too late when I get back home., and then come back tomorrow with my things." He wanted to get up but Karla sighed. "I don't think you can leave tonight, I haven't announced you officially yet as our new coach, I was to late with sending the papers, so until tomorrow you're technically an intruder, so if anyone saw you leave you'd be in very huge trouble, so I suggest I show you your new room, and see what I can find to borrow you, until we can go and get your other belongings." That was a surprise to Jack, and not an entirely pleasant one, sure, he wouldn't have to trouble with walking in the dark, and the unreliable trains, but all alone, among monstergirls, without anything to his name then the clothes he wears was a bit unpleasant, further, he'd have to borrow someone's towel if he wanted to shower like every night, and that was something he'd like to avoid. He heard, during his lectures, enough tales of cases where a monstergirl had gone 'ballistic' because a male had touched something like a towel with his crotch when drying up after a shower or bath, and the monstergirl had used it on her naked body, it was similar to imprinting a scent to an animal, for example if one has a cat, and plans to get a second one, it's recommended to use a towel with ones own scent on the new one, to imprint a familiar scent onto her, so that the first one won't be as aggressive on the 'intruder', as they smell familiar. And for monstergirls, If it's about their mating instincts they can become quite animalistic, and Jack would prefer not getting a bone broken because one of them got a kick from something like this. Same with toothbrushes, In mangas they talk about indirect kisses, this would be Not Just an indirect kiss if one of the girls used it, but it would be an indirect French kiss, and he had seen how some of they guys looked when they got themself a monstergirlfriend, scratches, bruises and broken bones had been regular signs for either of them. "N-no! I don't think that's an good idea, I really think I should go home and get my belongings. I had marked them already to prevent any incidents, like the Brodon-Luisa case." A rather Famous incident, involving a trainer and his monstergirl getting very intimate in an unprofessional manner, which got them into huge troubles. "Oh, don't worry. If you remember we used to have plenty of coaches, and newcomers weren't as rare as nowadays, so I always had some spare towels and sheets, and I'm sure that I got a spare toothbrush somewhere, so that you won't go through the same ordeal." Karla laughs gently, and the other girls join in, before continuing to eat. Well, it would be an option, and seeing as it would bring nothing to leave now, as he'd miss the following train back home either way, so he nods reluctantly, not happy to rely on this much hospitality right out of the gate.

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