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I am a perfectionist. I don't stop until it's done just how I want it, which can be a real challenge when it comes to art and music. Or, for a more specific example, reading unedited books (sometimes I have to just stop because I can't handle it). Wattpad is lovely. Allowing unofficial writers to create and publish is amazing and awesome because official writers (as in the people that do it for a living) don't exactly have a stable income. Sometimes people like it, sometimes they don't. And some people that don't get very positive feedback write the kinds of stories that I personally love. Which is why I'm begging anyone who knows they aren't the best with spelling or grammar that is reading this to edit before publishing or ask someone else if you are currently sick of the chapter. I would gladly volunteer, if you really just can't be bothered. So pretty please ask?

On a different side, what exactly is perfectionism? It is refusing anything short of the required or desired components of something, according to the dictionary. I would have to say that I mostly agree with this definition. But the only problem with "perfect" is that everybody has a different idea of what it is. We all think differently. Sometimes we think the perfect room is spotless and organized. Sometimes we think it would be better to be messy in a homey, "I know where everything is" way. The perfect dish for a certain occasion could be homemade spaghetti to one and Dominos' pizza to another.

With so many mixed perspectives, how can we be sure of the level of perfection? Rather simply, we can't. We cannot tell if something is perfect because our minds are not perfect. Our vision is flawed to begin with. If this is so, why do we make such a big deal about "perfect?" Because "perfect" is our goal. Right now, to any human mind, "perfect" is really nothing more than a pretty word. But just like every dumb kid that wishes to be smart, like every poor kid that wants to be rich, or even like every ugly kid that dreams of being beautiful, we, the imperfect, aspire to be "perfect."

So how did I get from being a perfectionist to there being no perfect? To say that being a perfectionist is extremely difficult, and absolutely impossible. With no perfect level available, we don't only stop when it is "perfect." If we really did that, we would never stop. Having this out, any "perfect" thing or person is only pretending. And any human holding themself closer to that level is probably just lying. So don't beat yourself up about being lesser, or not good enough. If you really think that that one person you admire is perfect, look again when they are alone.

I'm not saying to drop the the goal of perfection, but accept that who you are isn't perfect. Rather than being harsh every time you do something "not perfect," allow yourself to try again. When everyone is in a mad rush to reach perfect first, they will only stumble and fall all the more. Something I like to think about whenever I'm in a rush is that the faster you move, the more likely you are to mess up, to flinch, to drop something, or to forget something because you didn't allow yourself enough time. Don't put the wish down, thinking you have your whole life to do it, but take slow and steady steps the whole time. Pace yourself, and you will be that much closer. Just take one thing at a time until you can calmly and easily handle two, then three. Really, you do have your whole life, but so many things can happen in one life. If you put it off too long, you'll only forget or replace "perfect." If you do not steadily keep the meanings and reasons in your head, they will disappear. And something like that can never be done better the second time. In order to advance, you have to keep the original with you. Look at where you are, and where you were. If they don't connect, try again. It is very hard to try again when you don't even know why you tried in the first place.

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