Practice makes Perfect

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Yamaguchi POV

Frankly, I never understood the phrase, Practice makes Perfect, until the first time I nailed the floating serve. I had worked so hard on it that the steps had became forever burned in my brain. So after I had begun to nail it everytime I started practicing more on my recieves till my arms were bruised badly everyday with no breaks till I rivaled Tanaka in skill.

Even after all this they don't put me in a single game anymore, they have a new pinch server, he is a first year with some natural skill. But I refuse to give up I started practicing on spikes after I had gotten better than Tanaka at recieves. I had been getting stronger yet no one seemed to care it was always "for the better of the team" I was Practically living Tsukki's nightmare to end up like his older brother and always on the bench. But I was never satisfied with the progress I made unlike Akiteru. I had always tried harder the next day.

Today was different I had gotten Tsukki to practice with me. He was gonna try to block my spikes, he had grown a lot as a blocker and started to care about the game. He only agreed since he owned me, he made me watch all four jurassic park movies at night knowing I get nightmares easy. Anyway we had gotten set up and started practicing.

After about an hour of the same straight spike over and over trying to break through his arms, I only got about five through. He had spoken up.

"Why not change the angle from where your hitting it and just find an opening?" Talking through the net.

"You're right!! Can we try that again?" he just gave a nod and we continued. I had aimed towards the right and Tsukki seemed to notice since his arms moved with me. So I changed and aimed towards the left with a quick turn that surprised Tsukki. I had gotten another point. I squealed an excitement!

"I did it Tsukki!" I had hugged him from under the net.

"Hopefully, we've done this for almost 2 hours" he said in annoyance.

"You should probably tell Coach Ukai he might put you in the starting line-up." Tsukki continued. I gave him a doubtful look.

"I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to try right?" I smiled up at Tsukki. I could tell he was reading me he had been for a while he must have been confused by the sudden confidence I gained before our second year, that must be when he started to keep an eye on me. He patted me on the back trying to tell me that it'll be okay, but without saying it aloud to keep his reputation. That's Tsukki for you I guess?

It had been time for Tsukki to go so I just practiced without him, you might be asking how, well that's simple. I just find a place to aim at slam the ball to the exact spot. It took a ton of tries but I soon had gotten decent at it. I'm going to need to practice with Tsukki again at some point, it helped me a lot. I want to be valuable... 

This sport is something valuable to me I always valued it highly in my life. It was really a way to escape reality for me a lot like reading a book in some ways. It was a way to keep myself sane. It saddened me that I haven't played a game in forever but, it encouraged me to practice even more. No one on the team seemed to really notice however I really never got butthurt. Everyone was working really hard including the first years which is fun to watch.

I stayed with the same routine for about 3 weeks so the training camp was next week. I was excited because it doesn't matter if your good or bad you at least get to play one game, which is more than I got for 3 months. I was practically bouncing in my seat the entire week. This training camp was a chance to prove my worth. I won't be useless anymore.. I smiled at the thought.

I went to Miyagi Park its at the center of all the high-schools they have an already set up volleyball court type of thing. A lot similar to a outside basketball court. I saw four people my age playing so I turned around not wanting to bother them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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