Change of plans

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Time Skip

I was sleeping happily (cause I took a nap) and I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. I jolt up and look around for my phone. I found it and saw that Steve was trying to facetime me. I answered it and laid back down.

"Hey baby." He said 

"Hi Stevie."

"What're you doing?"

"I was sleeping."

"Who sleeps at 5?"

"Uh, tired people."

He laughed.

"You packed yet?"

"Packed for what?"

"New York..."

Oh shit.

"Umm, I should do that shouldn't I."

"You should fucking dork."

"Hey that's not nice. We don't say bad words."

"My're a fucking spazz." 

We both laughed and then it died down.

"Guess what." He smiled


"Some people contacted me and asked if I wanted to do a photoshoot-"

"Good for you Stevie."

"I'm not finished yet. But I said no-"


"Kelly. Let me finish. I said no only if they didn't let me have the photo shoot with you."

"Aww that's so cute, but I'm not photogenic."

"I'll teach you."

"Um, I don't think that'll happen but I love the thought."

"It'll happen."

I smiled. Right when he was about to say something someone called me wanting to facetime, I had no idea who it was but I was interested. Then it finally stopped.

"Steve, I'ma call you back someone just tried to facetime me."

"Alright, but actually call me back though."

"I will." 

"Alright then, bye."


I hung up and once I was about to facetime back that number it already facetimes me. I clicked accept curious to who it was.

"Hey Kelly."

"Tiana? How'd you get my number?"

"Tyler but, what time you gonna be at the air port tomorrow?"

"Um like 8:30?"

"Can you come eairler?"

"The flight isn't supposed to leave until 9:30."

"I know but I can only get there at 6 and I don't wanna be the only one there."

"6? You really want me to come at 6?"


"But Steve was supposed to meet me there at 8:30."

"You can still meet him you'll just be there before him."

"Why can't you wait with Tyler or something?"

"Cause, I just wanna be around a girl right now. But can you please just come at 6?"

I sighed. I didn't wanna be mean or anything.

"Sure. I'll be there at 6."

"Thank you so much girl you're the best."

"Yeah su-"

She hung up. I- whatever. I went back to go Facetime Steve. Once he picked up he was making some weird faces. We both laughed for like 10 minutes.


"I don't feel like it."

"Please? I like to watch people pack stuff. It's because my moon in virgo."



"Fine." I got up and turned my light on

I packed in front of him and we talked. Once that was done we both hung up and I went to go take a shower. I was laying in bed watching Netflix until my mom called me. I went to her room. 

"Your Dad wants to speak to you."

"Um...I'm busy."

"She said she's busy stuff...she'll talk to you soon ok? Bye. Ugh."

"Why did he call?"

"He wanted to 'talk' to you."

"Mhmm." I hummbed

"You packed and everything?"

"Yeah, also can you take me to the airport at 6?"

"Why I thought the flight didn't leave until 9:15? You're not sitting around an airport for 3 hours."

"I know, but Tyler's girlfriend has to be there at 6 and she doesn't wanna wait by herself. So it'd be us two until Steve and them get there."

"Hm, fine. And Kelly please please please be safe. Keep your phone on, talk to me periodically, all that stuff ok?"

"I will mom. I promise."

"Good. I'm glad you have friends like this. Even though it's a little sketchy, cause I'll never figure how they have this type of money or how their parents let them do- whatever, it's not my business but yeah I'm happy for you."


She kissed my forehead and I got up and left.

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