Chapter 1

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Okay, Author's Note at the beginning of the chapter again. There's a small part in Third person again at the beginning, then it goes to Ellie's PoV. Okay? Got it? Good.


3rd Person PoV:

A cat sat on the desk in the Headmaster's office, but this cat was no ordinary cat; it was a teacher in animangus form. As Harry Potter, a student who should have graduated last year, but certain problems prevented him from attending, walked in, the cat leaped off the desk, and transformed into Professor McGonagall.

"You wished to see me professor?"

"Yes, a certain letter to a first year needs a personal delivery. I would like you to deliver it with a message to her guardians."

"Wouldn't Hagrid be better suited to deliver the message?"

"Not this time, Harry. Just take this to the address on the letter. The message I wish you to convey is on this," McGonagall said handing him an envelope and a small note. "It's very important that you do this, Mr. Potter."

Harry quickly read the note and nodded rushing out of the office.


Ellie's PoV:

"Can you get the door, Ellie?" my Aunt Emily asked when we heard the bell ring.

"Sure, Aunt Emily," I called back as I opened the door.

On the other side was a boy no older than eighteen holding a letter, "Ellie Snape, I presume."

"Y-yes," I replied wondering who this boy could be until I saw the scar on his forehead. I knew that scar from my cousin's tales of Hogwarts as well as my father's. "You're Harry Potter! Aunt Emily, Uncle Richard, it's Harry Potter!"

My aunt and uncle rushed into the room. Aunt Emily turned to him, "What are you doing here Potter!?"

"Professor McGonagall sent me. She asked that I bring Miss. Snape her Hogwarts letter and deliver to you a message."

"Very well, you may enter," my aunt grudgingly told him.

My aunt and uncle led Harry to a room where they could talk after he handed me the letter. I followed them, and listened through the door.

I heard Harry first, "I thought it'd be better if you were the ones to tell her. Severus Snape died last school year during the battle against Voldemort. I'm sorry to have to tell you."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. My father couldn't die. No, no, no, no, no! I must have screamed it because all three of them rushed out of the room to find me in the fetal position.

"Ellie, child," my aunt tried to soothe while my uncle screamed at Harry.

"How could you tell such lies!? Severus couldn't die!" my uncle asked.

"Did he come home this summer!? Professor McGonagall told me that he visited Ellie every summer!" Harry screamed back.

When he said that, I knew what he said before to be true. My father never missed a summer visit with me. Never.

"Can I talk with Harry?" I asked.

My aunt and uncle left me to the Boy Who Lived, "How did he die?"

"Voldemort had his snake bite him. I, unfortunately, was there. Your father was a great man, Ellie. He risked his life to protect me. I wish I had known him better."

"Thank you. So I'm going to Hogwarts."

Harry nodded, "I'll see you again in September then."


So, what do you think of her parantage? I can't wait for you to see what else I have in store. By the way, short chapters happen when I am on my phone or Kindle, and longer chapters are typically when I can get on the computer.

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