News report!

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Welcome to new Inkopolis! The new and improved version of Inkopolis where everyone is happy!

"I hate this stupid ad." A female inkling growled.

"It seems to get worse every time there's a new one." A female octoling agreed.

"You hate all of these ads." A male inkling sighed.

"Can you blame her though? They're all stupid." The female octoling, who's name was Naomi, replied

"Yeah, but we're going to have to deal with them for now." The male inkling, named Prince, pointed out.

"For now?" Another male inkling remarked. "I swear, it feels like years."

"Really Aloha? It feels like 3 days that a lot happened." The first female spoke.

"That's 'cause you're always in panic mode, Cobbler." Naomi laughed. Cobbler stuck her tongue out.

"Guys, seriously." Prince sighed. "I'm trying to hear the report."

"The report? What report? It's the same news each time." Naomi said.

"It's still important."' Prince snapped.

"Okay guys, quiet down." Cobbler exclaimed.

"You're only saying that because you think he's cute~" Aloha teased.

"I mean yeah." Cobbler shrugged. "Everyone does."

"Cobbler likes Prince? I thought she- " Naomi piped up.

"I don't. I just agree with the public and think he's a sweetheart. Aloha's just being mean." Cobbler responded, cutting Naomi off.

"You sound like Marina..." Prince sighed. "Oh Pearlie your little brother is such a sweetie!" Prince said, imitating the popstar.

Everyone laughed for a second, before Aloha spoke up.

"Y'know I really wish this didn't have to happen." Aloha frowned. Everyone mumbled in agreement.

"Wait, Pearl's talking to our group!" Prince exclaimed. Everyone silenced.

"As for the Squidbeak group... Nothing."

"Told you." Naomi smirked.

"You were right Naomi..." Prince sighed. Naomi smiled.

"Don't feel too bad, it wasn't like we were expecting anything different." She shrugged.

"That's true... It's just I wish something would change for the better, hopefully sooner rather than later." Prince said.

"Don't lose hope though!" Cobbler chirped, putting her hand on Prince's shoulder. Prince smiled meekly.

"Anyways change of topic, who's turn is it to make dinner? I'm hungry." Aloha said.

"Who's turn is it? I'm pretty sure it's Cobbler's" Prince responded.

"Cobbler's? Then that means-" Naomi starts.

"Mac N' Cheese time!" Cobbler exclaimed.

"Cobbler, you DO have the ability to make something other than boxed Mac N Cheese right?" Aloha asked.

"Of course I do." Cobbler said. "I can make other stuff."

"Like what?" Aloha asked. Prince sighed.

"Uh, like sandwiches and microwave stuff." Cobbler said.

"At least she can make things." Naomi said.

"Really? Natasha didn't-" Aloha said before stopping himself. Naomi chuckled.

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