Chapter 3

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When recess came around he went to the monkey bars and swung upside down for a few moments before two boys came over to him. "Ay you're that scout kid right?" the tall blonde one said to him. "He is Jacob he's in my class." said the short stubby one, he was Micheal Smith. And the other one was Jacob. Scout quickly found out that they were not nice people. "So you're the kid with two moms. That's disgusting." Jacob said as he spat on the ground. Scout got up from the monkey bars and stood up. He wasn't nearly as tall as either of them. Scout went and walked right around them and went inside, tears starting to form in his eyes.

He waited in class for the rest of the recess and wanted to go home. As soon as class started again, he started to daydream and wonder why Jacob said those mean things. His family was normal to Scout. He heard the bell rang and went straight to his locker grabbed his jacket and textbooks and ran home trying to avoid seeing Jacob and Micheal.

"How was school kid-" SLAM! Scout slammed his bedroom door shut before his mom could finish speaking. His moms looked at each other with a puzzled look on both of their faces. His mom went upstairs to go talk to him. Knock, knock, knock, his mom knocks on the door, "Hey Scouty, we are going to Downtown Toronto today to meet other families like ours. So get changed quickly, ok?" said his mom and she closed the door. He slumped out of bed and put on a grey hoodie over his white t-shirt and headed downstairs.

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