Oneshot #1 ( Scatter. )

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Robin Wilds = "

Clyde Alder = (

James Halm = < 

Bryan Mapple = >

Bartender =  '

The day was foggy. 4 boys were together in the streets of Baltimore. Each either 13-14. They all decided to go to a tavern.  The owner of the tavern?  A kid. Wasn't selling alcohol ofcourse but, rather a snack stand, with a bar like structure.

The Boys enter, another boy greet them, as the bartender asking.

' What'll it be? '

The boys all said some soda drink, Robin leading off with

" Ginger Ale. "

( Er.. A Dr. Pepper )

< Cola, >

> Same with James. <

The boys eventually got their drinks. And began to talk among themselves, parents, school, life overall.  While.. Yes a tavern with snacks and non alcoholic beverages was a weird idea.. It was sure a good one, but anyways, they talked. 

( Robin? Wanna lead us off? )

" I suppose. The family is doing.. alright I suppose. We barely scraped by, and well, who knows what could happen the week after this I guess... Damn why are you guys so.. lucky!? "

< I dunno man, just comes by I guess.  Say.. How *did* your parents become so poor anyways, Robin? >

" Ahh Shutup. Was born with it, My parents consider me first priority though. I appreciate my parents.. I do! I just wish we didn't struggle.. Pay all our problems away with money, like Clyde for example! His family owns a casino! BOTH of them! "

( Oh be quiet.. It's not like you're not getting anything.. You're getting a show! Surely that can help..) 

" Maybe. Maybe if my Dad got paid more. He might not even HAVE it later in his life.. "

The group of boys continued to converse with them, some strangers gambling here and there, Clyde beating all challenges ofcourse. The boys exit, this time going to some abandoned railroad tracks. Now the boys are picking up rocks, 

" Remind me again why were here? "

( You'll see.. )

> Jesus I can't see my house from here, and even that isn't far from here.. Maybe we should go back. < 

( Oh cmon! Trust me it'll be worth it. )

> Fine.. <   Bryan reluctantly says.

Robin and the boys are now walking somewhere, eventually walking up to what seems like an old abandoned hotel, with some other kids around it. After about 2 minutes, CRASH, the sound of breaking glass is now audible, while other kids throw rocks at the hotel. Suddenly gunshots were heard, at this point it was raining, and thundering, lighting seemed to be more and more nearby, 

" SCATTER! "  Robin roared as he yelled that command. And yet they all fled, with a couple more gunshots being heard, some of which almost hitting some of the children.  

What was that building?    Who were those men?  Those questions answered on the next part of this.

( Depending if people do contact me, I might make some fan requested ones if anyone contacts me before the second part.)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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