Author's Note

352 23 7

Hello everyone and welcome!

Firstly, I want to address the obvious. This is a retelling of the book of Esther. That means it will have a religious undertone, although if you have read the original book before, you'll know it is a rather subtle theme. 

If you don't like this kind of book, that's okay. You don't have to read it. If you find this intriguing, then, by all means, I'm glad you're here!

I will be attempting to stay true to the Bible story and events, however, I will be taking some artistic license where the text is silent. Otherwise, this would be a very short book. I am by no means a practiced historian so this book is not reflective of accurate historical politics or culture. Instead, it is a work of fiction designed to capture and tell the story of Esther how I've always imagined it.

I'm looking forward to this little project and I hope you guys are too.

With love,


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