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Tons of questions filled my head where was I gonna live?
These people are gonna take care of me?
why am I alone?
Why me?
Shortly after my father dieing I had to collect everything that was important from the house we once lived in and move into a home I knew nothing about.
I mean I knew the people from church but I never went to their home.
They had 2 children living in the home Faith and Elizabeth 9 and 5.
I had NEVER had siblings before so this was completely new to me. But somehow I didn't feel as alone as I did before.

August 26th

Before I knew it it was my birthday the first one without my parents. I didn't know what to think or do. Lucky my sisters knew exactly what to cheer me up.
They turned on the radio and cranked it up we danced for hours and ate popcorn and watched tons of movies. Their parents bought me cake it was plain but I didn't care.
That night I went through all of my photos and cried I missed them so much my heart was breaking. I wrote my mother and letter and burned it in a small fire that I made outside. She was really such a beautiful women not to mention my entire world.

Freshman year

I walked into the doors of my first day of Jaguar high school full of excitement. All summer I moped around and I was ready for some change. I was signing up for my electives when I saw a familiar face.
KAY!!!! is that you?
Kay has been my bestfriend since 7th grade. We decided that we wanted to go to the same high school so her mom signed her up for Jaguar last minute.

K- what classes are you taking this year?
H- I got algebra remedial and algebra 1,
history, JROTC, English 1, Remedial Reading, oh and sculpture.
K- I got the same let's walk to class together.

it was my moms birthday the first birthday without her she would have been 60 this year. I cried and listened to music and drew. Art took my mind of of things even though my anxiety was peaking at this point. I had my first anxiety attach EVER and let's just say it was pretty not to mention I got.my PERIOD that day from stress.

Kay and me got into alot of trouble our freshman year but we went to homecoming. Not to mention we about killed ourselves in JROTC I swear they were trying to kill us. I dated a few boys but none of them pecked my interest that much to mention. Except one Anthony he was my first true love. We met in algebra 1 and flirted all school year he even took me to homecoming.  October- December were the worst it was my first halloween, Thanksgiving, and christmas without my parents. My sisters where the only comfort I had back then. Their parents I swear used me for the checks at this point i felt like Cinderella and it was only beginning. I found a safe and I had the keys and found money 365 to be exact. I let them borrow it and never saw that money again and a few months later all my parents jewelry went missing.
This year my heart strings got pulled around everywhere.
Not to mention that summer I lost my virginity and smoked my first cigarette. And most of my parents things got ruined due to a storm.
My life was slowly drowning me but I passed on to 10th grade.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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