chapter 16

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Its been a week since Mr wills rejoined the school. He was behaving like just a normal teacher. As if there was nothing between us earlier. I was glad that it didn't turn out awkward for us. It was the last day before Christmas holidays begun. Only two months until graduation. This evening I and Alex planned to go to the movies. Finally school was over and I went home. Home meant Alex's home. He usually never disturbed me. He went out in the morning for work and came back after an hour or two I returned from school. While I studied in the evening he watched TV. Then we had dinner and we went to our rooms. Sometimes we talked about some things. Today he came back early and we headed r towards the cinema hall. While standing in the ticket counter we found Asli kissing a guy under a tree in the opposite alley.
"See Sarah I told you, she will be fine."
"Yes. Let's not ruin our fun for her."
We went to the movies and watched the new released movie," A wrinkle in time". It was a nice movie. We came back home and sat on the couch. We already had dinner in a restaurant.
We sat on the couch beside each other.
"Sarah, if you need any help with anything you can always tell me."
"Yes, sure."
"Does your parents know everything?"
"Yes they know. I didn't tell them all the details. I said Mr wills and you were best friends. So we became pretty close in the time being. Then he started misbehaving with me. And then I told Asli's incident and said now I am staying with Becca. My parents broke all relations with her."
"Alex don't you think this all could have been avoided if I were not there. If I would have died in some accident, or any terminal illness"
"Never say something like that again you are really stupid, how many times do I need to tell you forget it?"
"I can't"
"Then I will make you forget it" and before I could say anything he crashed his lips to mine. I could feel the love and care in the kiss. My hands found their way in his silky hair and pulled him more towards myself. Now our bodies were pressed against each other and we kissed each other passionately. I didn't feel so good for a long time. I felt good with Jason also but I didn't want to think about him now. I laid down on the couch pulling Alex on top of me. He kissed my neck and collarbones.
"Alex" I moaned out
"Hmm" he said still kissing my neck.
I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it away on the ground. He took off my top and kissed my lips again. His hands roamed over my whole body making me want more. I sat up and pushed him down on the couch. I sat on top of him. I kissed him once again, kissed his neck, collarbones, cheeks, jawline.
I wanted to take a step further. My hands found their way to his jeans. Just when I was going to pull down the chain he caught my hand and stopped me.
"Sarah we can't go further. You are not yet 18."
"I want to make it special for you. "
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Why not every night?"
I answered by kissing him once again. He carried me to the bedroom and put  me down on the bed.
"Alex I can't sleep in jeans, I have to wear my night dress, its in the other room."
"Wear one of my T-shirt tonight." He gave me his T-shirt
"You change I am waiting outside"
"OK". I changed and he waited outside. I called him inside after I was done. He lied down on the bed beside me.
" so where does this leave us?"
"Sarah wilson, will you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes". He kissed my forehead. I snuggled in his chest and his hands were wrapped around me. We woke up in the morning and I mostly studied the whole day. My exams were coming up so I had little time to speak or do anything else. Finally  last day of vacation came. We were eating breakfast.
" Sarah tomorrow your school is reopening, so would you like to go out today?"
"Let's go to any park, we can have lunch and come back"
"So get ready"
I was happy being in a relationship with Alex. I mean there was no awkwardness. We could go out, hold hands in public without fear of getting caught. I never felt insecure about being rejected. I was happy with him. I got ready and we went out. We came to a park. There was a large lake in the middle and benches were kept surrounding it. We sat on a bench beside each other.
"Next week is your 18th birthday, what do you want?"
"I already have the best" I said quickly pecking his cheek
"But still? I will give you something."
"As you wish. Another thing I want a chocolate cake for my birthday"
"Sure my princess, anything for you." He leaned down and slowly captured my lips with his. He was kissing me like he loved me from the core of his heart.
"Sarah?" We broke apart and saw the very person I didn't want to see at that moment. It was Jason standing there with hurt, anger written all over his face.
"How could you?" He yelled.
"How could I? Mr wills I don't think you have the right to say something like that. I am here kissing the person I love, what is your problem?"
"You told me you will come back to me after you graduate."
"No, I never said that. I said by my graduation result I will prove you that you were wrong. I am not getting distracted."
"You are a liar you know?"
"Enough Jason!" Shouted Alex. "Stop blaming Sarah. You rejected her at first. What fault did she have? If you didn't hurt her she could have been yours. Its because of your one wrong decision that Sarah is with me."
"You too Alex?"
"Please leave us" I pleaded him. He went away silently.
"Let's go home" I said
"OK". We came back.
" Alex let's take a break from all this."
"Do you want to break up?"
"Maybe. But I need some space. So please"
"Am I not giving you space?"
"Please Alex I don't want to talk now"
"I am the one letting you stay, giving you food and you don't want to talk to me." I was shell shocked with this.
"So, this is what you think? Fine I am leaving." I got up, packed my bag and left ignoring his constant calls and apologies. I went to Becca's house and told her I will explain her everything later.
The next day I went to school and 1st class was with Mr wills.
" good morning class today a new student will be joining us. Come inside Robert "
A boy came inside.
"Introduce yourself"
"Good morning sir and my new friends, I am Robert Miller. I am from Germany. My father has a transferable job. He is transferred frequently. So I have to change school very often. I hope I can stay in this school for this year."
"Please have a seat"
"Yes sir." A seat in the last row was empty and another one in the front at a corner. He was going towards the last seat.
"Robert wait. This is your first day you don't have to seat at the back. Sarah please get up and go to the back."
"Why?" I asked
"To let Robert seat"
"But he can seat there" I said pointing to the seat in the corner at front row.
"No the board can't be seen from there. Sarah I am not requesting you. Its my order."
I was shocked. I slowly got up and sat at the back. He didn't pay any attention to me the whole class. There were a few questions he asked,I was the only one to raise hand but he didn't ask me. School was finally over and I went back.
"Hey Sarah what is going on?" Becca asked
"I will tell everything. Please give me a few days."

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