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[Name], the daring adventurer with her EMERGENCY FOO- Paimon, they were walking around the Dawn Winery, bored and with nothing to do during the day they decided to visit the vineyard and talk to the employees of the place.

[Name] could socialize without problems, greeted the peasants and finally greeted the maids, they did not hesitate to catch poor [name] in her talk. They talked about trivial things like the possible ghosts that were inhabiting that place and more, [Name] didn't believe anything they said but suddenly, a blow fell on the heads of the two girls. She was another maid of the place, to be exact the superior of both maids.

Both girls complained about the sudden hit, still they knew they deserved it for having been wandering all day doing nothing.

- You two are supposed to be cleaning, inside there is a lot of work to do yet. Stop gossiping with this... girl and GET TO WORK!
That scream that came out of the maid's mouth scared both girls, even so they did not leave without first apologizing for their laziness.

After the girls left, [Name] stayed with the maid, the girl didn't hesitate for a second to immediately question her.

- Tell me, who are you and what brings you here? For now we are busy after the destruction in the vineyard and we don't have enough manpower to be at the service of visitors.
The maid was really intimidating or so she tried to believe.

- Sorry for showing up late, I'm [Name] and this flying thing next to me is Paimon.
That nickname did not please Paimon at all.

- Hey! Paimon is not a "flying thing", We are adventurers And we are also knights of Mondstad, we came to visit our friend Diluc!. Actually visiting Diluc was not in [Name] plans she knew that the vineyard was Diluc's home but still she refused to think about it.

- Are you friends of Master Diluc? I'm sorry but without any invitation you cannot see Master, besides he is not here now.
The maid responded politely, but in the same way her intention was practically "to drive the intruders out of the place"

- But come to think of it ... If you are knights of Mondstadt, could you help me a little with cleaning this place.
Clean? [mame] never believed that any of her missions would be to clean.

Worse still, cleaning the house of her friend Diluc... Diluc...
[Name] thought about the last time he saw Diluc, in the Mondstad bar, he sometimes went to help when there were a lot of customers and some days she went to see him with a clear intention. She was attracted to him. To be more exact, it was love but, as she was a royal gentleman and he was literally unattainable, She buried feelings for him from the moment she realized that her love was impossible and that her main mission was to find her brother.

It was sad for her to have to deny her feelings for her obligations but, It was something that she should do in the same way, it was not like he was going to fixate on her in a romantic way.
Still her thoughts were interrupted when the maid called her for the third time.

- miss [Name] Please come in, I'll give you your maid uniform in a few seconds and you'll go to work, then I will give you a good reward .
Also had to wear a maid uniform? [Name] thought it would only be to clean up and leave but seeing how things were, she knew this job would take time.

Without wasting any more time [Name] agreed to enter and complied with the maid's requests. Wearing a maid outfit along with the other girls, she set out to work without thinking about time, On the other hand Paimon when he entered the mansion, she suddenly disappeared, [Name] was already suspecting where Paimon would be.




The hours passed and [Name] never noticed the time it had taken her to finish cleaning, although to her fortune he had already finished his work, she only had to tell the Maid, change clothes, take your reward and leave but
There were always complications in [Name] 's life

- Welcome back, Master Diluc.
The voice of the senior maid was heard throughout the hall. Diluc was back.

- I'm tired, you can retire now.
Diluc's voice reached the ears of [Name], she was scared, she was PARALIZED

But, if eluc were to see [Name], how could he explain her outfit and why she was there?
"Oh, Hi Diluc. I came to see you but your maids took me and made me clean, ok see ya later" Of course she couldn't tell him that.
Even so, it did not matter to think of another explanation since, without realizing it, Diluc had already seen her, In a corner of the place, [Name] was still thinking of a plan while he just wondered what is she doing here?

- [Name]? Why are you here dressed as a maid...
[Name] came out of his thoughts suddenly when he heard Diluc's voice again, now he referring to her.

- I...
But the top maid was ahead of time to explain the embarrassing situation.

- Master Diluc, She offered to help us clean, I also apologize for not realizing that she was also an acquaintance of you. Forgive me master Diluc.
Now [Name] doubted who was the most scared here, If she or the maid for her mistake.

But Diluc preferred to avoid the chattering of the poor girl trying to excuse herself
- Please stand down, I'll take care of this personally.
The girl did not hesitate a second more and left the place leaving [Name] and Diluc alone.

And an awkward silence filled the room

It wasn't until [Name] decided to break the tension.

- This is weird but, still they haven't given me my reward for helping your employees, still don't worry, we are... Friends... Right? It was fun to be here but I must go now.
[Name] tried to hide her nervousness with her relaxed and confident attitude, the attitude that a knight should take in any situation.

- Still that doesn't explain why you're still dressed like this.
But like it was a tomato about to explode, [Name] blushed violently after that. She was finished.

The end

- You can keep the uniform, It's honestly the first time I've seen you with feminine clothes. And don't worry about the reward, I'll send you a letter after you go home. Right now I want to rest.
Diluc looked quite exhausted, you could see that he had an intense day but she did not blame him, the best thing to do was to leave.

- Yeah, I'll see you later, rest and thanks for the suit, I will still give it back to you after washing it, these clothes are not my thing, you know.
[Name] responded calmly, with grace in her words but also, with affection.

Diluc laughed at her comment, still he gave her a slight smile before she left as well as a few last words.

- You look cute but don't forget this.
And out of nowhere, Diluc threw [Name] a Paimon about to explode from so much food, as a farewell [Name] couldn't forget his wanted emergency food Paimon And as she had already guessed from the beginning of her job, she knew that Paimon would go out to hang out and steal food from the kitchen for sure. [Name] got it all right.

Those were the last words that were said "be careful on the road" and "see you later"
But the most important thing is that, [Name] realized that Diluc had called her cute for the first time.

Such a rare word even for her who was an adventurer and a bold and strong knight.
She felt really cute for the first time, all thanks to him. Her love.

Author's Notes:
I THINK IT IS VERY OBVIOUS THAT I USED A TRANSLATOR SINCE ENGLISH IS NOT MY MAIN LANGUAGE, even so I dared to write this fanfic in English out of my mere desire to share this with others
Since the fandom in my language is almost NON-EXISTING
If you see any errors, please tell me and let me know, I want to improve my English 😕
See you in the next post when I get bored

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