Sweet Child of Mine (intro)

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A hooded figure, looking tired but with a goal in mind, runs through the white of the snow on the ground, clutching something close to them in their arms. Looking around feverishly, they check every which way, not stopping once as they force their feeble self to keep going.

'Run. Run. RUN! Keep going, even if your legs and feet fail you, push forward! It's not about you anymore, it never was, but now it certainly isn't. It's so much more. There's a purpose now.' Looking down at the warm bundle in their arms, the figure let's a ghost of a smile pass their lips before forcing their all too tired and aching body to run faster! 'You have to keep them safe from him, keep them safe always.'

After much more time spent trudging through the snow, the hooded figure finally comes to a clearing from the wooded area they'd been consumed in. Taking what time they could, the figure lays the bundle down before finally speaking, "I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it's for the best. In the long run you'll be safer and in far better hands then you ever could have been with me. I just hope you'll come to know how much I truly loved you and how I was only doing this for you." Leaning down to place a gentle and loving kiss to the child's forehead, "Please be well, sweet child of mine." Pulling something out of their cloak and holding it out toward the bundle, the figure quietly and shakily utters something, shrouding everything around them in a bright light.


At the sound of the doorbell, a woman is awoken out of her slumber. Climbing down the stairs she groggily makes her way to the front door. Opening it she's met with nothing except a bundle at the doorstep. Wide awake now, the woman looks every which way for the person who must have left this bundle at her door. Gingerly, she checks over the bundle finding a beautiful and healthy baby smiling up, cooing at her and a note.

Bringing the baby inside to the warmth of her home, the woman holds the baby, swaying and humming while looking over the contents of the note. Catching the bright and curious eyes of the bundle in her arms, the woman can't help the tug that she feels towards them already.

Having finished reading, the woman looks down to the now sleeping child in her arms. Smiling, she holds them a little closer not wanting to let go. She would keep you safe, protected and loved, just like a mother is supposed to. The only question now was how she was going to explain this to her husband when he got home.


(A/N) Heyyo! I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays!! So sorry for the inactivity, but I promise I'll devote some more time here on Wattpad.

I've been really wanting to write a Harry Potter story and I've had this brewing for a while. Sorry it's so short but it's only the introduction and I also really wanted to get something out after having not written on Wattpad for sometime.

I have a lot planned for this story, as well as my others, I'm just trying to figure out how to convey it all into words. I do plan on updating my other works too, I'm just trying to sort my mind with how and where I want to take all of them.

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