Daddy Bunny

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A/N: second version but lamer LoL

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A/N: second version but lamer LoL


"Dad please talk to daddy"

Dome whispers making me look at my 13 year old son who is clearly having a dilemma right now. I look at his now slimming cheeks and his round brown eyes that shows nothing but distraught. I look at my husband who has his arms crossed as he look straight ahead despite not seeing his eyes due to the sunglasses he is wearing I know full well that my husband's not gonna hear me out.

"Bud I'm so sorry you know when your daddy's on that mode no one can stop him."

"Ugh why isn't grandma here" he grumbled and I ruffled his hair. A smile growing on my face because normally it'll be either my mom or Win's parents would go since they would know it before us.

"Sorry bud your grandma and grandpa are currently on vacation. Don't worry I'll try to calm your daddy as much as I can, that's why I tagged along right?"

"Sigh I can't believe my adviser sent a message to daddy also instead of you alone, I begged him to message you instead but no and now look at daddy"

"Your daddy just love you and your siblings more than anyone in this world that's why he's this overprotective bud try to understand him."

"I know dad, and I love you guys too but he's being too dramatic! Like look at him! He's literally like seconds away on tearing this school down!"

My son frustratedly whispers as he point at his father who was now impatiently tapping his feet on the ground as he look at his wrist watch and as he sees the time he huff in irritation.

"Well technically your daddy can actually tear down this school if he wanted to"

"Ugh! That's not the point dad. My point is that it was a small fight, I honestly didn't even got hurt! It was just a scratch! A small scratch! So he doesn't have to talk to the principal about this!"

Our son stressed out as he show and point at the small scratch on his arm to me. I understand his point, and base on what he said it was a small argument between two young boys but unavoidably blood rushed to their head thus resulting to a fight but my husband wasn't having any of it as I try to talk it with him last night.

I tried to calm him down last night and earlier this morning but he wasn't taking any of it because as he put it "He can't believe that we are paying a hefty amount in this school only to have our son injured". Which lead to us being in here outside the principal's office waiting for us to be called.


"Excuse me sir the principal is now ready to see you." I didn't manage to finish what I said as the principal's secretary called our attention

"Finally" Win mumble as he stood up and head inside the office.

"Dad" My son begging me and I just ruffled his hair trying to assure him.

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