Chapter 1

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        Pain. It's the one thing in the word that Lily Evans knew about. After her mom died 12 years ago her dad became a drunk and abusive man. When she was 11 she got her letter to Hogwarts, where she thought things would change, but boy was wrong. The Marauders, a famous group of 4 boys at Hogwarts, made her their target. When they weren't ignoring her that is. And when she went home her dad would hit her harder because she wasn't around all year to hit. But the summer before her 7th year her dad was drunk and driving. He lost control and hit a tree, ending up dead on impact. She was sent to a group home but no one at Hogwarts knew any of this about her. Heck. They barley knew she existed. What will 7th year bring for her?

                                                                        Lily's pov

Knock knock knock. I went and opened the door to see a police officer. he took off his hat and looked at me sad.

"Excuse me mam. Are you Miss. Lily Evans" He asked

"Yes sir" I told him

"I'm sorry to tell you but your father has been found dead. He was driving drunk and ran into a tree. I'm sorry for your loss. We understand that your mother has died so I am here to take you to a group home. You may take a few things but try not to take too much. We will be waiting in the car out front. Sorry again" With that he walked out to the car out front. I ran to my room with a small smile. I shouldn't be smiling but the monster that has been reining my life is gone. I packed my little clothes and grabbed the only picture I have of my old life. We used to be a real family until my mom died. that changed my dad. I went out to the car and they drove to the group home. 

        When we got there I walked in because they said they didn't need to. 

"Here goes the rest of my life" I thought waking into the house. The head girl there showed me to my room. After that I went to the bathroom I was met by some fake looking girl.

"Look here bitch. I run this place so you'll listen to me" She told me slapping me in my face and stalking off. 

"Well that was odd" I thought walking into my room. There was a girl standing there

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Oh yes.Hi. I was told there was a new girl here. You need some major fashion help" She told me

"Well I'm Lily and I know I need help" I told her

"Well I'm Megan but people call me Meg. I'm leaving tomorrow to a different house but I can help you right now" She demanded. So for the next couple of hours she helped me learn to dress but we had to eventually go to seep. The next day she left when the girl who slapped me the other day. She walked over to me and slapped me. Hard. I fell down and she smashed a glass vase over my head making see black.

        I gasped. Waking up from one of the nightmares I have. I looked over at the clock. 5:30 a.m. Today is September 1st. The day I go back to Hogwarts. I jumped up and made sure I had everything in my trunk. I brought it down stairs and put it in the porch. I quickly ran into the kitchen to make breakfast. By 6: 30 I had it all done and I ran upstairs to take a shower. By now it's 7:30 and everyone starts waking up. I ran to a hidden closet that only I know about and waited there until 10.

        By 10:30 I was on platform 9 and 3/4. You should probably know the train doewn't leave until 11:30. You have to be here a few min. early because the barrier to get in closes at 11:15 and you have 15 min to get your things, say good bye, and get on the train. I don't have anyone to say good bye to but I like to leave the group home early just to get out of there. I got an empty compartment, got out my book to read and waited for the train to leave. at 11: 25 my compartment door opened and 4 boys came in laughing.

"Oh. Excuse me love. Mind if we sit here. Every where else is full" I looked up from my book to see...

There you have it. The first chappie is here. Please read and review. Thanks. XOXO

Is It Love Or Just More Pain? (Harry Potter Fan-fiction. Marauder Era)Where stories live. Discover now