Defying Gravity

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[ Warnings : Sheith??, directly quoting the song, Adam doesn't exist, angst?? ]

~*Shiro p.o.v*~

I followed Keith to the cliffs just outside the Garrison. We were both upset, another cadet mentioned his parents. What I'm upset about is that Kieth threw the first punch and started another fight.

"Keith!" I yelled after him, knowing that he could hear me. "Why couldn't you have just stayed calm for one?! Instead of flying off the handle?!" He stopped at the edge, I stopped a few feet away from him.

"I hope you're happy!" I continued to yell, if he was going to ignore me I will persist. "I hope you're happy now! I hope you're happy how you've hurt your cause forever! I hope you think you're clever!-" I was about to say more when he cut me off.

"I hope you're happy." He nearly growled the words, it honestly scared me a little. "I hope you're happy too. I hope you're proud how you would grovel in submission to feed your own ambition!

He took another step toward the edge, we spoke in sync. "So through I can't imagine how-" I took a few steps towards him, making sure he won't jump. "I hope you're happy. Right now.."

[196 words]

[No, I won't be writing the rest of the song, go ahead and hate me]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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