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I was just 18 years old when I started working in a nightclub. Fortunately, this is a serious nightclub and nobody is forced to do things he or she doesn't want to do. For example, I never had to take my clothes off while dancing. A few tight clothes were quite enough. The manager always said that it was the dance movements that mattered and not how much naked skin you showed.

Maybe that's why I've always enjoyed working there for the past 8 years. The manager is fair, sincere and pays well. And, we get to keep our tips. Sometimes really good sums come together. And when we work, we get drinks on the house, they are not deducted from our salary.

After dinner, Xiao Zhan drove me to my house. I still had to shower and change my clothes. He waited for me in my living room and looked around a bit. There is not much to see there. As a precaution, my ex had removed everything that could point to her. She even took the pictures with her.

When I was done, I went to Xiao Zhan in the living room. He sat on the sofa and read one of the books on my shelf. "Is that book interesting?" I asked Xiao Zhan, who was so absorbed in the book that he didn't even notice me.

"Mmm, I already know it. I have the first edition of it. I like to read it again and again. Did you know that the author of this crime novel died almost the same way as he wrote it in his book about the victim?" He asked.

"No, I did not. I honestly haven't read the book yet. I've had it for years. I bought it when I had to buy books for med school."

"You went to medical school?"

"Just started, but never finished. I had to earn money and couldn't continue my studies."

"Oh, that's too bad. But, you could catch up now."

"I guess so."

"How many semesters left?"

"Five semesters."

"Only five more? Then make up for it. I can help you study."

"I don't know. That would be too much to ask."

"You're not asking, I'm offering. Think about it."

"I just don't think it's going to work twice. Without the jobs, I have no place to live."

"If you want, you can find a solution for everything. But not tonight. I think if you want to get to work on time, we should get going now."

I don't know why Xiao Zhan is so nice to me. I just hope he's not someone who will hurt me. I've only known him a few hours, but I think he's really nice. And I would like to spend more time with him. My best friend lives too far away and I have no contact with my family. I wouldn't be so alone with him.

Xiao Zhan stood in front of me and smiled and said, "Hey, hey, you're not thinking about any sad things, are you? And don't deny it, I can see it on your face. Let's try to forget the dark thoughts tonight and have fun, okay?" Zhan said.

"Yeah, OK. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. Now come on, I want to see you dance." He said impatiently.

Right now I can really use a friend like Zhan, that's what I should call him now, and I really hope I won't be disappointed again.

We ordered a cab because Zhan wants to have a drink at the nightclub and so do I. As soon as I get off the stage, I mean.

When we arrived at the nightclub, the manager was already waiting for me to discuss the course of the evening with me and tell me when it was my turn. He looked at Zhan with interest and asked him if he wanted to dance. Zhan laughed and explained: "Only if you want your guests to start laughing out loud. No, I'm just here to watch Yibo dance and have a drink."

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