how you met

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You wanted some coffee so you went to Starbucks and got something and wanted to sit down but everywhere outside was full of couples.except for one table that had a short pink haired girl with cat ears sitting at a table by herself listening to go and ask her if you can sit with her she said "yeah sure I don't care".I sat down and I asked her what drink she got and she said "s'mores frappuccino my favorite" I say "cool I got (favorite drink)" "cool" she says "so what's your name mine in Y/N" I say."My name is Moeka nice to meet you Y/N" she says "want to meet here again tomorrow" she asks "sure here's my number so you can text me when and if you're here yet or not" I say.we both had to go she said she has to go meet someone named wolfey because she needed we both leave and I go home and do whatever I needed to do."sayonara" said Moeka.

You and Moeka were good friends and she introduced you to some of her friends like wolfey,leo and the one I fell in love with Sky."hes just very cute and nice and he gets along with everyone" I said "ok you can have him I don't want him" said Moeka "MOEKA that's rude don't say that about sky hes amazing" I said "amazingly annoying" Moeka said.suddenly wolfey came out of nowhere "hey guys what you talking about" wolfey asked "oh um we're talking about skit-"I was cut off by Moeka saying "we're talking about sky he/she likes sky" "OoOoOo" said wolfey "HEY stop don't tell him please"I said "haha only if you tell me everything that you love about him"wolfey said "fine" I say.I explain to her all about everything I like about him

Leo ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Plain and simple you and him are childhood becane friends when you found him being bullied because he had purple hair and he wasn't very popular he was the kid who no one paid attention to because he was quite I stood up to him on that day.almost everyone is scared of me because of something I did 2 years ago.but not leo,leo looked up to me for some reason that I'll never know."thanks" Leo said I smiled and said "your welcome" "I would like to know if you want to be friends" he asked I said "sure I'm Moeka your leo right" "how did you know my name" he asked "I've known you for a while you just never knew" I said "oh" he said.then up until now we were friends.

Sky your best friend introduced you (sorry I'm just lazy)

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