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Quick Author's NOTE(even though not many read this):

1. I am in need of a new cover! If you would like to make one or know a good cover maker, please let me know!

2. This story will contain some graphic content. If you are uncomfortable with any of it, you will not be judges if you can no longer read this story. It is okay. I will try my best to put warnings for large graphic/sensitive content scenes, but that may not always be the case. If you see no warning for something that could be triggering for a ready, kindly comment addressing a new warning.

3. Thank you for taking the time out of your day for reading this!  At the time of typing this, I am prioritizing college work over this(oops), but writing is a love of mine and half my teachers don't grade assignments and put them in like they're supposed to. 😂




"Stay still...keep your breath even," I whispered to myself. Of all the places I could be at right now, why here? Why here in this dreaded apartment? I did not understand. Wait—I'm not soaking wet. I took a small peak under the covers and took note of the different clothing I had on. My body shuddered at the thought. Andrew, my boyfriend, must have changed them for me.

That's when I remembered what happened last Friday night. We got into another intense argument. It was my fault that the fridge was barren of beer. It was my fault that I had let him drink the last bottle and didn't buy more. Everything was presumably my fault. For whatever reason, Andrew just had to get his alcoholic fixing before I could even check the fridge last night. Times like that were at least a weekly occurrence by now. It would usually end up with me having to go to the gas station with a cracked lip, bruised lips, and bruised wrists. It was always the same cashier that looked at me with pity.

I ever so slightly moved my head to look at the clock at my bedside. It was six o'clock in the morning and I felt relieved. Andrew usually stirred awake at seven, expected breakfast by seven-fifteen, showered at seven-thirty, and then left for work around eight. My morning routine usually consisted of cleaning the living room decorated with beer bottles. I would take a quick shower afterward, get dressed, and have breakfast ready before I scrambled out the door by seven-fifteen. My mind told me not to get up but that is exactly what I did. Let's just say that the last time I overslept it did not bode well for me.

Carefully, I unraveled Andrew's arms off my waist and sat up. My feet met the cold hardwood as I stood. I treaded slowly to our apartment living room, careful not to fall over. My legs felt like jelly and my muscles ached, but I had to get everything done first. After cleaning the living room, I gathered some clothes and locked the bathroom door behind me. I shed the new outfit Andrew put on me and stepped into the shower. The muscles in my body finally felt some type of relief once hot water cascaded down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a light flicker under the door. No, no, no! It wasn't even time for breakfast yet. I checked the clock after I finished cleaning and it was supposed to be around six forty. What was Andrew doing up so early?

"Corin," he called out, "where are you love?"

"Go back to sleep," I answered. "It's not even seven yet. Breakfast will be ready by the time you wake up again." I stared at the door and anxiously waited for a reply. The light turned off signaling that he went back to sleep, hopefully.

Phew. That was so close.

I felt the urge to leave as fast as possible. That meant my shower was short-lived and I had to step out. I caught my reflection in the mirror and felt pitiful. Murky brown eyes stared back at me. Shades of red, blue, and purple marking littered my torso. Some were fresh markings while others were old. What stood out most to me were the pink lines on my thighs. My eyes watered and my nose began to burn. Anxiety once again tried to triumph me, but I managed to suppress it for now. Moments later I emerged from the bathroom with clean clothes on. Snores greeted me as my eyes trailed back to the clock. I only had about thirty minutes until Andrew awakened to eat. There were only thirty minutes left until I could escape for the day.

Andrew liked is typical breakfast foods. Eggs, toast and some sausage would sate his hunger until noon. The warm breakfast was finally plated along with a glass of orange juice. With five minutes to spare, I ran out the door with a pair of shoes in hand, my car keys, and my bag.

Why did Andrew have to save me? He surely knew that I was trying to escape from his hands. Without a doubt, he just wanted to keep a punching bag around and sadly it was me. Lord only knows how much longer I can take this suffering. It should have all ended yesterday but I guess he had more plans for me.

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